#MYLDN (782)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


This will be my last post for a bit. I am taking off August as I usually do, cos its the European way and technically we are still in Europe so I will be taking advantage of their ambivalent attitude to working in the summer whilst I still can.

August used to be known as the silly season for news as not that much used to happen as everyone went away. The way things are going at the moment I’m not sure that will be the case. Everyday seems to be the silly season. Insanity and hatred seem to have consumed people all over the globe and barely a day goes by when you don’t read about some horrendous atrocity but we mustn’t give in to hate.

As we all know (thanks to the biggest franchise on the planet) beware the dark side, it will consume you. Even if you hate the haters you’re still a hater. As someone (can’t remember who, someone clever and quotable clearly) so astutely noted: “there’s always a lot of hate at anti-hate rallies”. And so, at the risk of sounding like a hippy, love, understanding, communication and cooperation are the only ways forward. Anything that involves violence can’t possibly be a solution to violence.  Just cos the world has gone bonkers doesn’t mean we have to join it.

Enjoy the rest of your summer – see you in sept! x

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