#MYLDN (159)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (159) – Save the Bees!














There was an organised protest at Parliament Square this morning to help convince the government (crucial vote next week) to ban the pesticides that are dwindling bee numbers in scary proportions. This will in turn will have a catastrophic knock-on effect on everything else. As Einstein said.”If the Bees go, we’re all fucked” (or something like that). This is not an altruistic endeavour..this is pure self-preservation.

Like all good protests, there was as many people documenting it as participating. It was more like one big glorified photo shoot than an actual protest and as the passersby just sort of passed by  it occured to me that the coverage of the event  was in real terms more important than the event itself. The protestors had gathered to be photographed, uploaded, blogged out, tweeeted and shared in order to raise awareness on a global level rather than at street level.

Did it matter that no-one surrounding them paid attention? Not really. They did a bit of singing (Give bees a chance) and even pretended to march for a bit but it was all really for the cameras. 

The digital world has finally become more important than the real world. Reality is dead. Long live the Internet!

And yes, just like everyone else, I was doing as much documenting as protesting…

lots of bad bee pun placards but below was my favourite by far…such a brutal apocalyptic message delivered by such a smiley faced bee..

bee-lieve it (sorry-couldn’t resist one more) or not she was actually playing the flight of the bumblebee..I kid you not.

There was a generally friendly and good natured vibe to the proceedings and despite the machinations of the media circus the seriousness of the protest was also plain to see…

As I was leaving I saw this guy and he stared straight back at me with a grave “The End is Nigh” kinda look…it gave me the shivers.  I should add that its highly possible he was just eye-balling me cos I was pointing a camera in his face. Less poetic but worth mentioning…

(p.s if you want to bee selfish (sorry, had to throw one more in) and save our sorry hides, add your signature to the petition to vote for a ban on the pesticides here. Lets hope those weak, self-serving politicians (too harsh?) make the right decision..for all our sakes, not just the bees.)

#MYLDN (158)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (157) – Record Store Day

World Record store day used to be vinyl geeks shuffling around in shops buying up limited edition releases but this year, for some reason, it spontaneously become a party “event”…it does seem that young londoners will find any excuse to “large it up” and this was no exception. Soho became an instant inner city dance festival with street parties springing up all over the place.

It even kicked off outside a clothing store on D’arblay street where they were playing some pumpin tunes causing an impromptu mini street rave…this is why I love london.

And then it kicked off again in Phonica records when 2manydjs did a blistering in-store set. It was rammed to the brim and as hot as a sauna. The crowd went suitably nuts and turned a shop into a full-blown niteclub. Some of the punters were handing them their purchases and they were throwing them into their set as they went along…it was kinda wild.

#MYLDN (156)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (155)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

Tombstone says no…


#MYLDN (154)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (153)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (152)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

Dexys last night at the Duke of York Theatre. They performed their new album in entirety and in order. It runs like a story from start to finish and they delivered it as one. It was amazing. The songs are incredible, the performance was stunning, the band were spectacular and Kevin Rowland’s voice has never sounded better. He is also one of the coolest and most talented cats around. They did play a few older tunes at the end but their new material sounded much better in my opinion, something you will rarely hear said (if ever) when describing a band back from the 80s. But this is no nostalgia trip. This is just great new music. To here their new album click here



#MYLDN (151)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (150)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

This picture has been added to the gallery “R U Talkin To me?”. Please click here to view.

#MYLDN (149)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (148)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

Ooh yes, I’m the best..I made it and you didn’t..ooh yes! I’m the greatest! OOH YES!….Well done, we’re all very proud.

#MYLDN (147)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (146)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

The tallest man with the tiniest woman in the same picture – what are the chances? I stopped to take a picture of this very tall gentleman as he looked like he was nearly clearing 8ft and no-one could walk past him without taking a look. I wondered how it was for him to be a constant source of gawping. His look back to the guy implies he might have had enough. As I was taking the photograph I then noticed the opposite end of the spectrum coming straight towards him.  There is even an arrow pointing to her from his back, linking them together. A random moment showing human diversity in all of its glory. Luck or Skill? I can’t really claim any credit for the picture. This is just unexplainable synchronicity at its best. Long live chaos!

#MYLDN (145)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

In the ’90s/’00s people dressed up like the ’70s, now in the ’10s they dress up like the 80s…hmm, I wonder what’s next? Could it be..the 90s? But if the 90s come back will they bring the 70s with them as well?? On top of all that both the 50s & 60s also came back recently thanks to the Vintage resurgence and shows like Mad men. Its getting a little ridiculous. We now live in an ever-decreasing retro-revolving world. Every decade seems to come back quicker than the last. The only thing no-one’s thought to bring back is the concept of something that’s actually brand new…or is that just too old-fashioned?

#MYLDN (144)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

#MYLDN (143)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…

Forget concerns about nuclear threat, the recession or eco-meltdown, this camera crew asks the most pressing issue of the day: Can a hairdresser charge you for not turning up to an appointment? Investigative journalism at its best…

#MYLDN (142)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…



#MYLDN (141)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…