(hence the double post today, please forgive me, the short week threw me)

MYLDNites 43-2

This week’s photographs features events I have been to recently..exhibitions, gigs, dance performances..there is still a lot going on at night in London but the utter unaffordability of living in the centre of our city has meant that the nocturnal streets are a far quieter place than they used to be.

On Friday night I walked through Soho to Covent Garden just after 11pm and it was dead. What was once teeming with people into the early hours of the morning is now relatively quiet by 10pm. It seems that everyone has drinks after work then makes their way back home because they now live miles away, pushed further and further out by ever increasing rents and astronomical house prices. But when these people were forced out, purely for financial reasons, they were not replaced. Properties were bought, not to live in, but as investments, and mostly by foreign buyers, so those places are empty. Where human beings once were, ghosts of property portfolios now reside.

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that, in the year to June last year, 58,220 people aged 30-39 left the capital – the highest number on record and a 10% increase on 2010. So the 30 somethings have left and the 20 somethings are broke and can’t go out which means central city nightlife is now so much quieter than it used to be. And all the duller for it.

My city has been gutted and I’m gutted about it.

House prices in the capital have risen by 19% in the past year alone. The average property in London now costs  around £535,000, the UK average is £185,700. Rent is also now so expensive it is leaving people with so little to play with they can’t afford to do anything else. The rent situation is now so bad a new hashtag has recently emerged on twitter called #RantYourRent with people demonstrating their appalling living conditions and how much they are paying for them. It is truly despicable what landlords are getting away with and no-one is stopping them. Click here to see examples.

Will the city ever repopulate? Under the current situation, no, its impossible. It would take a strong politician to solve the problem but the solution is simple. Just introduce a rent cap and stop allowing property owners to suck their tenants dry. They have introduced rent caps in other cities in Europe and they have worked completely so why not here where we need it the most?

According to latest figures from the English Housing Survey, London tenants pay 72% of earnings on rent!  3/4 of their entire salary! In other parts of the country and in Europe they might be a third. It would be a joke if it was funny. And even if landlords here charged what was fair they would still be making a killing. So why do we put up with it? I think its because Britain was born out of a feudal society, where the landowners ruled and nothing has really changed. We are the peasants but we’re not revolting..maybe we should be.

There is an election today in London and there is only one real issue worth voting for in this city and its for more affordable living  –  if you do not like what has happened to this city then maybe you should use your vote to fight to get it back…personally I am just so sick of moaning about it and sure you might be sick of hearing about it (although I have deliberately tried to restrain myself over last six months for fear of utter gentrification fatigue) but I can’t pretend its not happening and everything is ok.

I guess I just never wanted to be one of those people banging on about how much better things used to be but that is exactly what I’ve become. This blog was initially designed to celebrate this city, it was not supposed to be a moan fest. People who are now moving into the city will never know how vibrant and varied and inclusive this city was as they would never have seen it but I have and I miss it deeply. The city of culture is now a city of commerce and the knock on effect it has had is huge.

New London is a shadow of its former self , its inhabitants residing in the shadows of endless blocks of luxury flats that no normal person could ever afford to live in. And when I say ‘normal’, I mean all the average earners, who lets face it, are most of us, being able to survive in this glorious city. It was do-able on a basic salary and now it isn’t and the difference is extraordinary.

I know this city is still teeming with millions of people but they’re now having to get bussed in and out. No-one lives in the centre anymore. If you do you are an anomaly these days. So many of my friends have had to leave the centre and be pushed out as far as zone 6 or even have to leave the city to get reasonably priced accommodation. The migration to areas such as Brighton,hove, hastings etc, which I would now refer to as zone 7  is now for some the only financially viable alternative.

I went on the Millennium wheel at night recently and right across the horizon in every direction all you could see was tons of these tiny little red lights. They looked like fireflies hovering in the night sky but they were all cranes, all busy building buildings that were of no use to most folk. Well done, good job!

A mayor who gave a shit about this could maybe make a difference. Don’t waste your vote, it could make a difference.

(p.s this photograph was taken from lea anderson’s performance at the V&A, more of that tomorrow…)

#MYLDNites (42)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (41)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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This is July Talk. Terrible name, pretty good band. They were playing at Kokos at an NME presents event which means it was packed but not necessarily of their fans and even though they were headliners on the bill no-one really seemed to paying attention. The young crowd seemed much more interested in themselves, their phones and their mates. The band were delivering but no-one was bothering to check the post. At one point the girl in the band shouted to the crowd “We need you to help us sing the next song” and someone in the crowd shouted back “SING IT YOURSELF!”.

#MYLDNites (40)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (39)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 39

more (and mostly male) glimpses of London nightlife this week –  festive season is already in full effect and there are drunk casualties everywhere you go. This guy was on the night bus trying to engage people with his gourd. As you can see not many are paying attention as they are passed out. But then again it was 3:30am…they must have been tired bless ’em. What this man is doing with a gourd at 3:30 in the morning I have no idea. It doesn’t seem like the obvious choice for a going out prop. What am I doing out at 3:30am? Taking pictures of men with squash…clearly.

please note: I have just installed lovely shiny big digital sharing buttons on my blog posts so if you feel an uncontrollable urge to extend this photographic experience beyond your own eyeballs please do so. If you are one of my hallowed subscribers and are reading this in an email  just click on the pic to go thru to the aforementioned buttons and you can share this priceless moment of observation with the world. Don’t thank me, its a gift, it is the time of giving after all…

#MYLDNites (38)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (36)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights



#MYLDNites (34)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 34

Ladies of the night this week, nocturnal gents next week…

#MYLDNites (33)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (32)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (31)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (30)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 30-2

#MYLDNites (29)

Me and my camera in my home town at night, my capital city, my london..nites

MYLDNites 29

Alcohol giveth but it doth also taketh away…as you can see from this week’s collection of London’s nightlife. If there is one thing you can be pretty certain of finding on the city’s streets at night is a lot of drunk people. Alcohol fuelled nights out have always been an integral part of British culture but apparently its grip on our society is waning, even though hospital A&E departments might tell you different. Recent statistics show that the youth are turning away from booze binges in favour of online marathons instead. A shift in socialising into the virtual world has meant that there are seemingly less young folk getting wasted in public, although I have to say that it is not immediately evident from my experience.

What has changed is that a lot of bars are often conspicuously lacking a younger demographic and you are more likely to find 30something professionals than their broke 20something counterparts. London rents also mean that they are more likely to be stuck at home with their parents rather than being out on the town. So, isn’t this all a triumph for society? Keeping the kids off the sauce? Protecting them from themselves with prohibitively expensive prices?

Alcohol can be a very destructive force but it’s also important to remember that it has brought people together for thousands of years and helped them bond, have a good time and escape the horrors of daily drudgery. And even though its detrimental effects on our health are now well documented is it not necessarily worse than the habits that are replacing it. It has been proven that inactivity and over-eating are equally as harmful so its not actually a healthier choice to stay at home. I read yesterday that by 2020 more liver transplants will be linked to over-eating than to alcohol abuse. It has also been well documented that the amount of money that used to be spent by NHS dealing with smoking related diseases is now being spent dealing with obesity induced illnesses. Booze and fags were demonised for being unhealthy but it just shifted consumption elsewhere. We might as well all have stayed in the pub, got wasted together and had some fun instead of being isolated on our sofas watching back-to-back netflix and gorging on junk. Food for thought…

If you would like to see the full #MYLDNites gallery please click here 

#MYLDNites (28)

Me and my camera in my home town at night, my capital city, my london..nites

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#MYLDNites (27)

Me and my camera in my home town at night, my capital city, my london..nites

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#MYLDNites (26)

Me and my camera in my home town at night, my capital city, my london..nites

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#MYLDNites (25)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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I know it looks like a hit and run, and normally I might just leave it to your imaginations but I don’t want you to think I photographed people as they were severely injured…you are looking at the conclusion of a very long run up of a drunk guy who leapt onto his also drunk mate at full pelt, causing them to career into the road and collapse. They are laughing not writhing in agony…I promise!

and so wraps up another week of London nitelife in all of its messy magnificent glory…with most of the action coming from Peckham. The relentless rise of rents and house prices have forced young people with limited funds to be pushed from pillar to post as they look for affordable places to live in our stupidly expensive city. Each time they turn up somewhere it inevitably becomes trendy and subsequently a victim of its own success which always results in rent hikes. This makes it prohibitively expensive for the people that essentially made it a happening area and they trot on to the next postcode in search of cost effective living.

They got turfed out of west london when that kicked off so went East to Shoreditch which was a brief respite before being pushed on to Hackney and then on again to Dalston and now they have ended up down South in Peckham. They won’t last. The gentrification process means its already over as it becomes more desirable and inevitably more expensive so they will be moved on again. But where? Once South goes, there will essentially be nowhere left except for the outskirts and who wants to live out there? And if they are pushed out there, what kind of a city will it become when all the young, cool people, the artists and the musicians have been ejected from the centre? It will go the way of Paris and New York, a rich boring middle.

Grayson Perry the artist stated that whenever the Super Rich move in to an area it becomes a cultural desert and its painful to watch him be proved right. The only way around this is to have rent control but in this city, that ain’t ever happening…the councils will always side with the property owners rather than the inhabitants so what to do? Berlin calling? Anyone?

This week I used sequences of photographs rather than solo shots. Bursts of stills can sometimes create a greater sense of immediacy and make you feel like you are actually there. If you had been there the brain would have remembered it in snap shot form so it somehow matches and that is appealing to our minds…although based on the state of some of the those I have captured, its highly unlikely they will remember anything at all.

p.s Happy Birthday Chris!

#MYLDNites (24)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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..and so this is the crowd from the hawaiian bop night at the Bussey Building on Valentine’s night as they rocked out to The Top Cats. They were mashed up and it was rammed. It was kinda wild.  Worth the queue I showed you earlier in the week? If you’re looking for a room stacked full of people going apeshit then I guess so…

#MYLDNites (23)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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These photographs were taken of the band The Top Cats at the Hawaiian Bop nite in the aforementioned Bussey Building in Peckham on Valentine’s night. Tomorrow I will show you the crowd…

#MYLDNites (22)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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Just a regular Thursday night in Camden around 3am…