Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

And so its election day in the u.k. It’s been really difficult to pay attention to what any of the parties or candidates have actually been saying because its pretty evident they’re just spouting whatever bullshit they think they need to say to get elected. And everyone knows it. Why believe any election statement when they have systematically showed time and time again they will re-neg on everything they promise?
The famous saying that “you can tell a when politician is lying because his lips move” is never truer than during the lead up to a general election.Not that its really about policies anymore anyway…the popularity contest which it now so clearly is feels more like the X factor than the all-important task to decide who governs out country…a place where its apparently more important how you eat a friggin bacon sandwich than what your political party stands for.
So many of us have officially lost faith in the system and our representatives. And with good reason. You only have to watch the “The Thich of It” to know that self-serving careerists run our country under the guise of serving the population. (Yes, I know its only a tv comedy but its so obviously is like that ). If anything positive happens for the electorate it is most likely to be an accident. They just implement whatever nonsense they see fit as they scrabble around trying to cling on to what power they have whilst servicing the rich donors that put them there. I would go as far to say all politicians are on an ‘anal retainer’ and will receive rewards based on how much they are prepared to take it up the arse from their ‘real’ bosses.
The most positive thing I have heard recently is from a good friend who works in government who assures me on very good authority it is in fact the civil service who run the country, not the politicians. They quietly get on with things as the hoopla happens above them. The drivers might change but the cogs of the machine stay the same so it doesn’t really matter who you vote for.
Although, having said that, it is fairly evident there is a “lesser of evil” choice and in these days of necessary tactical voting we must ensure that the interests of the 99% are even vaguely taken into account.
Cynical? Disillusioned? Defeatist? Yup, yup and yups. Guilty as charged. Maybe Russell Brand will come to our rescue…although I have seen his version of “Arthur” so his decision making process must be questioned…