#MYLDN (546)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (545)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


This week’s theme is entitled “Thru the looking glass”. London is full of weird and wonderful in-your-face window displays with shops and galleries getting excessively creative & occastionally confrontational to get you to look in their establishment.

In the case of the above monstrosity, I would normally say that art is most definitely in the eye of the beholder and any rating of quality is always subjective. I can also, in most cases, see the merit or effort in most things…but this is just friggin hideous!

This is some tosh bit of corporate art in the foyer of some swanky offices that they probably paid a fortune for. But what the hell is it?? Apart from revolting that is. Its like a genetic experiment gone wrong. It was probably intended as a worthy statement on species decline but in fact its just utter pants. I mean, what’s that lump on the floor? Freaky zebra shit? The mind boggles…

#MYLDN (544)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


The T-shirt shop has spoken.

#MYLDN (543)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (542)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (541)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london





#MYLDN (540)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 540-1

MYLDN 540-3

MYLDN 540-4

 Another week of tube tales – transient undeground encounters with strangers makes my brain turned detective…what are scary clowns doing lurking in tunnels? Why has a decorated solider traded in his rifle for a zoom lens? Why is a grown man vomitting into a bin? Is a daughter sat next to the father she never knew, both oblivious to each other’s proximity?

The above shots however show a very real horror story that requires no interpretation. This is just one hideous London moment at Oxford Street tube station as commuters wait in masse to get crammed onto tube trains. They could walk five minutes to Bond St and avoid this hellzone but in the great British tradition, if you see people waiting in a queue, join them.

The reason it is so congested is that they have closed Tottenham Court Road station to build the cross rail overground network. This will ultimately ease the crowds descending into the Underground which as you can see is at busting point.

The real tragedy is that in the process of facilitating journeys for workers to get into the centre of town they have destroyed half of what made Soho and the West End great. All the places that gave it its character such as The Astoria and Tin Pan Alley are being systematically removed to make way for New London.

But to be able to live in central New London is no longer financially viable for most normal earners. They have already been pushed out to the outskirts and beyond. If councils had protected their residents and installed legislation to keep rent and property affordable instead of allowing the global rich to turn them into glorified safe deposit boxes they wouldnt need to build a rail system to herd them in from the suburbs as they would be living in the centre and going to all the places that have been knocked down in the process..progress, don’t you just love it!

#MYLDN (539)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (538)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (537)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (536)

Me and my camera back in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYBGMO (09)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo

Berga Moes & Joes-1

To see the full gallery “BergaMoes&Joes” please click here

Bergamo is situated in northern italy near Milan and is a town of opposites. There seem to be a lot of young people and a lot of old people there but not much in-between. There is also a high town and a low town. The high town is the old ancient town built in the 16th century and sits on top of a big hill and the low town is the modern town built at the foot of the hill. They are connected by a cable car.

In the high town they are always low and in the low town they are always high…

…they’re not really. I just wanted to say that…although some of the residents, especially the older community are very serious looking. Almost comically so. They seem intent on letting everyone know they are unhappy but don’t seem to want to enlighten anyone as to the reason. As The Joker would say…why sooo seriousss?

What is interesting is that the high town has lost tens of thousands of residents in recent years as everyone moves to the low town – the reason? Apparently its because they have terrible phone reception up there. Seriously. This obviously made my talk on people’s dependance of smartphones in the modern era strangely pertinent in this small Italian community.

Bergamo is also a town with more bells going off than anywhere I’ve ever been…they just never seem to stop…it is a terrible place to wake up with a hangover.



#MYBGMO (08)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (07)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (06)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (05)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


So I just about squeezed out my TED talk on Saturday without any major mishap..I did have a minor brain wobble for about 12 seconds, (i.e. a lifetime) when I momentarily lost my way but managed to veer myself back on course. Fortunately my mouth kept moving which allowed my brain time to work out what the fuck I was actually supposed to be saying. I was praying I might have got away with it but I shouldn’t have worried..I found out after that out of the 500 Italians in the auditorium only 28 had coughed up for translation headsets so there was a good chance that they hadn’t understood a word I said at all and had just seen me waving my arms around for 15 minutes..which was somewhat of a relief.

I will be continuing with my Bergamo theme this week as it is a town full of fantastic looking characters at ever turn..

#MYBGMO (04)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo


This week’s photographs were from the beautiful town of Bergamo in Italy. I was there last week for a rehearsal for a TED talk that I am giving there this Saturday afternoon (11th april 3pm GMT +1)  so will be winging my way back there tomorrow.

I am talking on the subject of, yup, you guessed it, The Death of Conversation, so if you want to watch me do my smartphone routine in front an auditorium full of Italians you can watch it live stream on: http://www.tedxbergamo.com. There will be a button that says “Guarda l’evento in streaming” which is Italian for “Have a butchers at this”…Molto Bene!

#MYBGMO (03)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (02)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (01)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo