#MYLDN (1386)

#MYLDN (1383)

#MYLDN (1240)


Slices of the American pie in the sunshine state this week, more to follow…

#MYLDN (1231)

#MYLDN (1227)

This week’s photographs feature the current Portobello Wall Public Art project by Anastasia Russa. Over the summer I passed by most days and saw it come to life during an endless stream of sunshine. On most days you could see the artist, mostly hidden under her customary sun hat, working on the next portrait.  It was great to see this work of art build and grow as the project progressed. The mural which spans one entire block along Portobello Rd shows the changing eras and inhabitants of the area. The artist is not from the area but spent months talking to locals as to who should be included.

Among those featured are Piers Thompson who runs Portobello Radio, Khadija Saye, an artist who died in the Grenfell fire and Tim Burke, who was a lovely man and a neighbour of mine, who tragically took his own life at the end of last year. These are interspersed with other locals from both past and present.

I am interested in how art on the streets, whether commissioned or not, affects the inhabitants of the area it appears in. Whether we are consciously aware of it, there is an interaction, a connection, a moment of reflection. Even though art is not technically essential for survival, it is still integral and necessary to our lives. Its presence can uplift and create a fleeting instance of calm in the chaos whilst also providing little pockets of  visual pleasure from within the humdrum of the daily backdrop. A lot of art related projects were the first things to be axed by councils when austerity measures slashed their budgets in half as they felt extraneous to living but I think art, of any nature,  is vital and can make the difference between being happy and not.

Last week I showed a lot of local tagging and how little it contributed other than to serve as a force for defacement. Maybe I was a little hard on Boner (sorry ;) but signatures used to accompany a piece of work, not be the piece of work and so, when you see actual art in action, as in this mural, you see how it can light up a street and bring colour to the greyness.

To see the full gallery please click on this link: https://babycakesromero.com/photography/artwall/ 

for more info on this project: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/culture/current-portobello-wall-public-art-project

Have been doing a lot of doorstep documentation recently so going to venture a little further afield..next stop, Paris!


#MYLDN (1188)

Millenial angst graffiti.

#MYLDN (1108)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

“If Jesus came to Earth Today, They’d crucify him straight away, Upon a cross of MDF, And they’d use No Need for Nails”

(‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ by Half Man Half Biscuit)


“If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today, He’d be gunned down cold by the C.I.A”

(Armageddon days are here again by The The)

Weirdly, I saw both bands live last week and heard these lyrics and then saw this mural. Coincidence? A sign? Hmmm…either the 80s or the Messiah are back again…or both. Jesus in shoulder pads? Scary thought (altho great name for a band)

#MYLDN (1107)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (1106)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (1084)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

..as excuses go, I guess its as good as any. Apathy might still be the dominant political force in this country for a good chunk of the population due to despondency and fatigue but the results of these council elections will give a good gage of which party is winning or losing the hearts and minds of its constituents. Britain is still teetering on the precipice of the Brexit cliff and like the referendum that caused it, the future of the country will be dictated by those who could be bothered to vote and the ones that didn’t will have to suffer the consequence. Although confidence in our elected representatives is possibly at an all time low in this country. Caught between choosing incompetence over malevolence is not much of a choice and  it boils down to maybe deciding who is slightly less of a self-serving c***.  Long live democracy!

Photos depicting mixed messages from the streets of London this week, all part of my ongoing series “r u talkin to me” so I will let them do the talking. All I would like to say is its good to be back…



#MYLDN (1082)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (1073)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

See? Everything’s going to be just fine…

#MYLDN (1071):

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Think this is the best bit of graffiti I’ve seen in a long time and it really struck me.  It seems we’re so hard wired at the moment to dwell on the negative that when you are presented with the alternative it actually feels alien. Almost inappropriate. Am I even allowed to think positively when so much is apparently wrong? But maybe there is nothing wrong. This simple yet stunningly insightful piece of graffiti is trying to remind us that you always have a choice. If there is no actual reality other than how we observe and process it maybe its all within our power to control. You want happy? You can have it. You want misery? Yours for the taking. Both are available at at times. Its just a question of what you focus on. This is obviously about as upbeat as I am ever going to get on a Monday morning in freezing feb so am rollin’ with it…

#MYLDN (1050)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Everyone seems angry about something these days, some injustice, some cause, some attempt to rectify some evil. I think the slight problem is everyone seems to be fighting a different fight. This is because there are so many aspects of living at the moment that seem wrong or illicit our anger & attention and no-one can seem to agree on what is most important. What order should we be dealing with all these problems? What deserves our anger and our time the most? What should be top of the shit list? Every five minutes you see something in your feed demanding outrage and subsequent action. Sign this, support this, get riled up…you can become instantly paralysed trying to work out the most worthy cause.

So much of what we choose to rally against is to with what we feel is a direct violation against us. Or Identity Politics as its currently known. What you are, where you’re from, what you or those you know might be suffering with will inevitably dictate what ‘war’ you sign up for. Every marginalised group seems to be fighting for their own corner but, regardless of the justification & necessity of your chosen battle you are essentially just looking out for yourself and your ‘in’ group. This isn’t  a dig, this is just an observation as to how it is difficult for humans to see far beyond ourselves and our immediate world. We are hardwired to look out for number one and the communities we are apart of. That is how we survive.

But in relation to the above graffitied statement, what if our focus as individuals rather than as a group collective is what is really holding us back from progress?  Maybe the ants have it right. And by the way I not entirely sure what the above statement on the wall actually means. Doesn’t really make a whole lotta sense to me but someone must have felt it very strongly to graffiti it in giant letters under a bridge in Willesden Green. The individual is the product of power? What power? I think it is maybe implying that there is power in being an individual and if that means not accepting everything you are told at face value and working things out for yourself rather than just being a mindless automaton who just does and says what they are told then I would agree, there is power being an individual but ultimately there is greater power in the collective.

If we were less concerned with how we as individuals were doing in our society rather than how well that society is doing as a whole then we would then at least all be working to the same goal and not be so fragmented, fighting our own corners, tugging in different directions.We know all too well  from recent experience in this country how this approach and attitude pulls populations apart rather then bring them together. Welcome to The Ununited Kingdom. Nuff said.

Maybe what the human race really needs is, as they say, a common enemy. So the solution is for aliens to come and invade us, more now than ever. Only that could possibly bring everyone together and make us understand we are all part of the same ‘in’ group. Yes, we will have to massacre lots of little green men from outer space but you can’t make an omelette without breaking some aliens, everyone knows that.