#MYLDN (802)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (801)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (800)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


my 800th MYLDN post! – a momentous social media milestone if ever there was one…I’d like to thank the internet for giving me the opportunity and to you my subscribers for your support and for staying with me all this time. Hang on, no wait, I haven’t won anything have I? Shit. Sorry. Got carried away there. For a moment there I thought I’d got one of those blue plaques for excessive content contributions to the digital world. Actually no, you only get those when you’re dead right? Ok, lets back up a bit then and just enjoy the moment…

p.s I am planning on doing an exhibition in London to hopefully tie in with my 1000th post so if anyone knows any good gallery spaces, let us know…

#MYLDN (799)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (798)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (797)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Question: What do the most ridiculous sign in the world, an craggy faced old lady, riverside lovers, some meat and what looks like the drum of a washing machine have in common?

Answer: Absolutely Nothing

These week’s photographs have nothing in common so sorry if you have been trying to find a connection but have decided to stay on random selection for a while rather than do my usual theme for the week. Just to mix it up a bit and also there are many shots I have that I would like to share but don’t particularly fit any specific group and it would be nice to give them an airing. I also seem to be veering into a black and white phase. Maybe a reflection of the world or possibly my state of mind or maybe just like these pictures, completely random – who can say other than I am running with it and we will see where I end up.

#MYLDN (796)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (795)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (794)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (793)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (685)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Much as I appreciate Diana having the self-awareness, personal psychological insight and honesty to understand the motive behind her male courtships I’m not sure how one would actually ‘adhere’ to unresolved father issues?

I guess I could call Diana’s number to find out but as I have unresolved graffiti writers with spelling/grammar issues I’m not sure its such a good idea.

#MYLDN (568)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Royalist graffiti? An anti-establishment act glorifying the establishment? The ultimate oxymoron? We live in strange times. It took a passing doodler with a sharpie to give it some political context…full diatribe tomorrow…

#MYLDN (567)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Love will tear us apart again…well, in this case it wasn’t love that tore them apart, it was property developers. This iconic piece of street art years depicting the unconventional romance of The Vision & Scarlett Witch has recently been destroyed. It is no more. It has been reduced to rubble, like everything else in this photograph, to make way for….yup, you guessed it…LUXURY FLATS! Woo hoo! Just what the capital needs…

…apparently the conversion of buildings into luxury flats is reaching such paramount levels that Londoners are afraid to leave their rental homes in case they get converted whilst they are out. Please be vigilant and keep an eye out for any strangers with JCB diggers lurking near your property.


And in slightly other matters: One or two of you may have noticed I posted up on Saturday my TED talk that I did in Italy on The Death Of Conversation (yes, I am still banging on about it but they invited me so whatcha gonna do?) but it has since been removed from Youtube.  I hadn’t actually watched it before I posted it (was a little apprehensive) but after viewing, it has to come down as had some major editing issues but as soon as its fixed it will go up again….apologies if you saw it it already…there is a better version on the way!

#MYLDN (566)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (565)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (500)!

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 500b

The exclamation mark is me celebrating my 500th MYLDN post…go me! I feel so good I could sit on that bench. I would like to thank my camera and the city of London for making it possible, I couldn’t have done it without you..(sorry, for the minute there I’d thought I’d won an award…sorry, don’t know what came over me…)

p.s for the record I have never seen anyone on that bench…ever.

#MYLDN (499)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (467)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (410)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london