#MYBGMO (05)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


So I just about squeezed out my TED talk on Saturday without any major mishap..I did have a minor brain wobble for about 12 seconds, (i.e. a lifetime) when I momentarily lost my way but managed to veer myself back on course. Fortunately my mouth kept moving which allowed my brain time to work out what the fuck I was actually supposed to be saying. I was praying I might have got away with it but I shouldn’t have worried..I found out after that out of the 500 Italians in the auditorium only 28 had coughed up for translation headsets so there was a good chance that they hadn’t understood a word I said at all and had just seen me waving my arms around for 15 minutes..which was somewhat of a relief.

I will be continuing with my Bergamo theme this week as it is a town full of fantastic looking characters at ever turn..

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