#MYBGMO (09)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo

Berga Moes & Joes-1

To see the full gallery “BergaMoes&Joes” please click here

Bergamo is situated in northern italy near Milan and is a town of opposites. There seem to be a lot of young people and a lot of old people there but not much in-between. There is also a high town and a low town. The high town is the old ancient town built in the 16th century and sits on top of a big hill and the low town is the modern town built at the foot of the hill. They are connected by a cable car.

In the high town they are always low and in the low town they are always high…

…they’re not really. I just wanted to say that…although some of the residents, especially the older community are very serious looking. Almost comically so. They seem intent on letting everyone know they are unhappy but don’t seem to want to enlighten anyone as to the reason. As The Joker would say…why sooo seriousss?

What is interesting is that the high town has lost tens of thousands of residents in recent years as everyone moves to the low town – the reason? Apparently its because they have terrible phone reception up there. Seriously. This obviously made my talk on people’s dependance of smartphones in the modern era strangely pertinent in this small Italian community.

Bergamo is also a town with more bells going off than anywhere I’ve ever been…they just never seem to stop…it is a terrible place to wake up with a hangover.



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