#MYLDN (1139)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Shots this week show people in a paused moment. The world never stops spinning and if you don’t take the odd time out you feel you won’t stop spinning either. If I could have any superpower it would be to be able to freeze time – it would be bliss. You could mooch about doing whatever you needed to without having to deal with people doing the same thing at the same time, which is what happens in a big crowded city like London. We are all trying to get our shit done and we’re all basically in each other’s way.

This would be like “flexi-freeze time” (patent pending). I’m not sure how this could exactly work if we all had that power mind…could be slightly problematic logistically. I guess I was really just selfishly  thinking of myself. Just thought it would just be so great not to have to actually do anything or have anything demanded of you for even just a little bit. The world in stasis. Its a beautiful thought. The tricky bit would be wanting to unfreeze it…  maybe its this heat, it makes you so lethargic you don’t want to do anything . To be honest, even just talking about freezing is cooling me down a bit…

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