#MYLDN (1206)

The policy of austerity which slashed council budgets in half over the last decade has forced them to close most of the youth clubs in an attempt to reduce costs with a severely depleted pot of cash. Over 350 have been shut down in last two years. As a result they have nowhere else to go and poor and disadvantaged youths are even more vulnerable now as a result. It has led inevitably to youngsters hanging out on the street which often and inevitably leads to delinquent behaviour and crime.

All Stars Gym, since it was founded in 1974 has proved a haven and a safe place for youth to go to when they have nowhere else. A place where they gain support, strength, discipline and can be made to feel like they are part of a community, part of  a family. Boxing provides a focus for them where they previously might have had none and the coaches and volunteers who work there can fill a gap which, if left open, can  become a gateway to the wrong path.

Sadly (and painfully predictably) it is under threat by property developers who are trying to force them out so they can build more luxury flats no ordinary people can afford to live in. As if there weren’t enough already. Luxury flat occupation still stands at roughly the 50% mark across London and establishments such as All Stars Gym, who provide an essential service in the community are being forced out for something that contributes nothing and destroys something in the process.

It sounds like the cliched plot of so many hollywood films, evil property developers try to squeeze out the community that were already there and they have to fight them to survive. In the movies the plucky young heroes always defeat them in the end but in reality that is rarely the case which is why we must come to their aid. And this is more than just about protecting a gym, it is about protecting connection points in our society that bring people together, that prevent us leading isolated lives, that remind us that we are all part of the same thing.

There used to be a piece of legislation that protected entities like All Stars from exactly this kind of attack. If you bought a building it used to have to retain the identity of that building. If it was a pub, it stayed a pub. A youth club had to stay a youth club, a gym a gym etc. The property developers lobbied government and made them take out this piece of legislation designed specifically to prevent everything that has happened since. Namely the relentless dismantling and removal of London’s shared spaces and community centres. Once they took out that single law they could do what they want and they have done exactly that ever since and London has and never will be the same as a result.

We must put this legislation back in if we want to prioritise people over profit.  We must find leaders who are willing to stand up to these very powerful and wealthy corporations and put the needs of their communities first. Especially the members who need it the most. The kids who go to Allstars need Allstars. It is in integral part of their existence and gives them a lifeline they might not otherwise have. What has a property developer ever done for anyone other than themselves? The answer is nothing.

Allstars have been deliberately caught up in a legal battle by the developers who are trying to slowly snuff them out of the game. The landlord has deliberately not kept the building in good repair which means the charity cannot receive funding to help with the internal works. This has been used as a ploy to bankrupt AllStars by continually putting then in a position of going to court. Due to a technicality of such deviousness on the part of the landlord, the judge ruled costs against All Stars which is potentially ruinous.  The landlords are clearly expecting them to be out of pocket and therefore unable to pay their next rent which is due as soon as the work is completed.

We must stop them and all those like them who continue to take apart the glue and fabric of our society and give nothing back. Cities suffer, they prosper. We have allowed them to get away with it for so long and now we must do everything we can to stand up to them and say no more.

Please look at their campaign and donate and share if you can…


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2 Replies to “#MYLDN (1206)”

  1. J Sperling and many business constituentstook
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  2. another astute article and great pictures. All Stars have been too busy getting on with their work and trying to stay in their building to remind the community about themselves. We need them to keep on doing their thing but lets get the word out and share their story. Thank you Babycakes

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