#MYLDN (1344)

All shots this week are part of an ongoing series (which started last week) which encapsulates multiple lives within a moment in time. All taken on the same day and all within minutes of each other. I will explain more when the series has finished (more to come) but I ask you, for now, to think of all the different people you have seen in the photographs in the last two weeks and ask yourself, are we all leading interconnected lives or are we in fact, utterly disconnected, sharing the same temporal and geographical space but experiencing entirely different and unrelated existences?

And while you’re at it, look around you as you go about your day, at the people surrounding you and ask yourself the same question. Are we like seperate bubbles in a drink that just occasionally collide or are we the liquid and all part of the same thing?

Obviously you don’t have to do this. Its not compulsory. I won’t be sending the thought police round or anything so there will be no way to check. This is just an exercise to ultimately to try to determine what is most relevant and importants, the life we live on the inside or the life we lead on the outside? Are we in this together or is that just an illusion and we are in fact alone in our own constructed universe?

Also: I somehow managed to have lost a post. #MYLDN (1337) is M.I.A. It made it on to my Instagram feed last week but it doesn’t appear to be on the pages of this blog anymore which is quite unfathomable and no idea how that could have happened unless I accidentally deleted it. So here it is but if you did see this here b4 someone please let me know so I can avert further madness)

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