#MYLDN 1393

The election is upon us and the Tories are still up in the polls but I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone would want to vote for them unless they were possibly minted, masochistic or mental.

They have run this country completely into the ground over the last 15 years. They have systematically sold off every asset this country had, run millions into poverty, dismantled public services, crippled the NHS and fucked the country sideways with a referendum no-one wanted or asked for. And yet still people want to vote them back in. And this is after an extended period of relentless misery, uncertainty and back to back fuck ups…so for fuck’s sake, why?? Cos Boris can deliver a good one liner and has a floppy fringe?? Really??

People used to vote for Tory because they were the party of business and were worried the economy would suffer under anyone else but Brexit will destroy the economy, even more than it has already already, and so that doesn’t even make sense anymore. And yet still people cling onto this outdated notion.

Labour’s policies will restore care towards communities, create green jobs and reduce inequality. The Lib Dems will ensure we stay in Europe. The Green Party will put the climate emergency at the top of the agenda. These are all good reasons to vote for these parties. What are the Tories going to do other than continue to service the rich and screw everyone else in the process?

For the climate, for equality, for basic fucking decency…please, I’m on my hands and knees begging you please…anything but tory!!

If you want to vote tactically go to: https://vote-smart.org.uk/ 

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