#MYLDN (1399)

Greetings! Hope the new year n new decade are treating you well so far…

MYLDN is back…in black and white.

I have decided to go on a ‘colour strike’. Colour is optimism and positivity, two things I am currently a bit short of. Last time I went monochromatic was in 2016 after the referendum result. And once again things look grey and more divided, more polarised, and so black and white seems a better reflection of these times.

The absence of colour also seems appropriate as am in mourning for common sense, decency and the death of socialism which seems to now be no more than a crumbling relic of a former era. We have drifted too far from the concept of a country as a collective community and a global one seems nothing more than sheer fantasy.

Also feel we should be in mourning for all the species we have killed off, a process that is happening right now in Australia and all over the globe. And it will only continue as there is nothing really being done to stop it. At this rate and at this trajectory this extinction process, at our hands, will eventually include us. We are the problem so it’s clearly difficult to be the solution as well as this would mean getting rid of the problem, which is us.

We live in strange and disquieting times and the strangest thing about for me it is that, we carry on our lives as normal and discussion about this collective threat is kept to a minimum which just makes it all the weirder so am sharing this feeling in case it is a shared feeling. It is not just the elephant in the room but the elephant in our heads, silently trampling over our personal ambitions, hopes & desires, and just about contained by denial and/or intoxication.

I personally am struggling with the absurdity of carrying on with normality at a time when the opposite is required but feel I must continue documenting this paradoxical period as am sure furious future generations might want to look back and see what we were actually doing when we should’ve been dealing with it. And also, like everyone else, I don’t know what else to do.

I didn’t really want to start this year on a downer but it would be utterly false to pretend everything is hunky dory. Apparently if you have nothing good to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all so I will try to keep my mouth shut for a bit and let my pictures do the talking. I still want to continue to document the world and the people around me. I can see, just beneath the surface, the angst that we are all carrying about the future and to capture our barely hidden anxiety might lead to some acknowledgement of our collective paralysis…which in turn might lead to action.

So am going to stay schtum for a while….if you have followed my blog for a while you know what I am for and what I am against so I’m not sure what else there is to say. As Jarvis Cocker so righly says “Cunts are still running the world” and that doesn’t look like its going to change anytime soon…

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