#MYLDN (1660):

Epilogue to last week’s post..

The latest IPCC report came out this week and it categorically and unequivocally states that it is “now or never” for the world to initiate drastic & immediate action to switch us to a low carbon economy in order to stave off disaster. Basically act now or we’re fucked.

And judging from the muted response from governments around the world they are quite unbelievably choosing to not act. Between now and never they are going with never. Well they are choosing ‘not now’ which effectively means never because when they do eventually choose to step up it will be too late.

So just so we’re all clear, in a simple choice between ‘fixing it’ and ‘not fixing it’ we are choosing not to fix it. And that is with the report stating that all solutions are already worked out and in place. No fancy new tech required. Just action.

And just so there is still no confusion we appear to be choosing for this planet to become unliveable to humans as oppose to liveable. An odd choice out of the two don’t you think?

And we’re all ok with that are we? Just checking because I gotta say it doesn’t feel like out of those two options that is the one I thought we would go for.

It’s like going to someone and saying ok, you can a) live but you gotta do a bunch of shit or b) you can do nothing and die…what do you choose? Umm, I think I’ll have to go with b) Really? Yes b) please. You’re sure? Final answer?

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