#MYLDN (1701)

This is Christine. She used to work at ‘My Beautiful Launderette’ on the corner of my road even though she was well into her late 80s. She worked there until they shut it down and sold if off to make flats about a year or so ago. I used to see her most days and we would have a little chat and I always enjoyed our conversations. I considered her a good friend of mine. She had a mischievous smile and was always cracking jokes. She was from Austria originally, had a great accent and was also extremely small, barely taller than the machines.

In the summer she would sit on the steps of the lauderette after she had finished cleaning and watch the world go by.

After they closed the launderette I didn’t see much of her and the last time I was with her she said she had developed a heart condition. I had been buzzing on her door recently but there was no answer and knew something had happened. The other day I found out she had passed away and was very sad to hear. I will miss her. RIP Christine…

3 Replies to “#MYLDN (1701)”

  1. ahh, bless her. And thanks for sharing that Aisling. Knew it wasn’t just me. A lot of people in the community were very fond of her. She will be missed..x

  2. RIP Christine. I’m sorry to hear that she has passed away. I really enjoyed her company in the launderette too. I’d take stuff to be washed when I was heavily pregnant with Vince (14 years ago :O) and she’d tell me off for carrying things. She seemed kind and humble and firm. People who are the daily fabric of each others lives are so important and thanks for honouring her with these lovely photos x

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