This is Loud Suit Man. Not his actual name but one I imaginatively made up after much deliberation. I have seen him down Portobello Rd many times and he always has a extremely brightly coloured suit/hat/shoe combo on. I have never seen him in regular everyday clothes.

And he always seems to have a mood to match. Always smiling. Laughing. Joking with people. He seems very good natured and full of positive vitality. But then you would have to be to wear the sort of outfits he does. You could never be moping around with a sour puss face wearing these type of garments that’s for damn sure.

He seems very warm and approachable although I have never actually approached him. Maybe I will one day. I’d be interested to know what’s driving this outlandish peacock display. He is a true dandy who seems to just want to put a smile on people’s faces to match his own. So thank you Loud Suit Man…you are a burst of colour amidst the greyness.

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