Sandwiched somewhere amongst the headlines this week was the scientist’s final warning on climate change to the leaders of the world: act now or it’s too late. For decades they have been saying “before it’s too late” and now we are almost at the moment when there is no before..it’s just too late. Was this information greeted with alarm or urgency? Did they drop everything and leap into action? Ehh, not so much.
Most people barely noticed it. It got lost in the noise like everything else. And politicians certainly didn’t flag it up. And so there it is..facing a threat to our very existence the human race simply ignored it and went about their business. And we so limp towards this calamitous destiny ..not with a bang or even a whimper..just with a collective shrug of indifference…and possibly with just the vaguest hope in the back of our minds that some sort of miracle will somehow save the day..although none of us exactly know what that might be..a superhero possibly? Godzilla? The climate fairy? Who’s going to be our knight in shining armour? It certainly ain’t gonna be anyone in power cos they would’ve stepped up by now. So who? Actually the messiah is apparently due for a return so maybe we’ll be ok after all…let’s go with that..