MYLDN 1850

Well I gotta say it’s good to be back..and thanks to everyone who sent me a welcome back message..meant a lot to know you’re still out there. And apologies for the long absence..let’s just say it took me a little longer than expected. I’ve been on a hell of a journey..coincidentally to hell and back and when I’ve got the energy I’ll tell you all the gory details but basically I got a shit ton worse and was so bad I couldn’t leave my flat for months…which is a bit of drawback for a street photographer.

Oh, what do you do?

I’m a housebound street photographer

Oh, how does that work?

Umm, not very well to be honest..

(this is obviously an imagined conversation because I wasn’t meeting anyone between the bedroom and the living room)

I almost liked (almost being the operative word) the twister irony of being a housebound street photographer and did think of just posting pictures from my extensive archive but it felt a little disingenuous to be pretending to be out an about when I wasn’t. I also didn’t even have the energy to sit at the computer so that put a kibosh on that anyway.

So I’m pleased to say I’m back on the streets although still can’t go very far. These photographs were all taken within about 100 yards or so of my flat, but due to this restrictive element I realised that the smaller the world the more things are magnified. It is quite incredible. what you observe in a very short distance. Technically you see less but you actually see more. (stick that on a tea tag)

It will probably be mostly photos and not much chat for a bit whilst I settle in although I would like to say that I took the above photo to be an encouraging sign that art was on the streets (literally) and that was where I belonged. Hopefully I can get up to speed as I continue along this path to recovery…onwards!

11 Replies to “MYLDN 1850”

  1. ah thanks Amanada, and happy new year! hope you doing ok..we miss you guys xx

  2. Ah thanks Richard, yeah its crazy the disparity of experience with Covid but I am in this new program that are rehabilitating me and they say it is all to do with having a hypersensitive nervous system which you can recalibrate with brain training. Its fascinating. I’m still a long way off normal but at least I am now on the recovery path having gone round in circles for years..hope all good with you…

  3. It really is great to have you back. So glad that you’re feeling better now, man. All the best.

  4. IT’s been long (and pretty deep) covid hasn’t it? I have a friend in her 30’s who’s been almost housebound for over a yesar with it. But also a brother in his 80s who got covid and hardly noticed it. The differences are so odd. But very glad you are getting back to something nearer a normal life.

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