MYLDN 1942

People sitting on pavements this week..why? Well, its hot innit and people like to be outside. And unless you are in an establishment there is nowhere else to sit in this neighbourhood. There used to be one bench on Portobello and the council removed it. (covered extensively in a previous post a while back) I mean, god forbid you might want to park up for five minutes and rest your feet. I guess they just want you to keep moving and keep consuming. It feels like a war on the poor because if you can afford it you can go to a cafe or whatever but if you can’t the street is where you hang out. They don’t want to provide seating because they don’t want people to congregate. But as you can see there gonna do it anyway so you might as well give em somit to sit on…

I personally like hanging out on the street and have no problem sitting on the curb. I kinda actually prefer it. You feel like you’re right in the action. I’m not advising this anywhere there is major traffic as you are basically at exhaust pipe height and that can’t be good but if you find yourself in a pedestrian place why the hell not? And as an added bonus you don’t have to pay a fortune for a drink at bar prices….I still weep at paying nearly a fiver for a non-alcoholic beer..I mean, come on, its not even getting me drunk!

And if you still want to be on the street but you don’t like the idea of sitting on dirty pavements and that’s fair enough you can maybe improvise with some abandoned furniture…

Or find a doorway..

Or mebbe bring your own..

Or you could just say fuck it and go all out and lie in the road..mebbe not advisable if you’re not inanimate..

And so concludes this mini feature on impromptu alfresco lounging.. at the end of the day we just social animals and we gonna congregate no matter what..seats or no seats. And as we the only mammals that tend to require furniture to sojourn somewhere maybe we should take a leaf from our fellow vertebrates and be a bit less picky about where we sit..

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