#MYLDN (208) – Serpent’s Time

The weird world of the weally wealthy – yes, its another posh art doo at the annual opening of the Serpentine Pavillion where there seems to be only one remit – whatever you do, whatever you wear…just get noticed. Subtlety and style should always be sacrificed for visibility.

God, I hate these people…

Wealthy only this way…vaguely famous over there…art tarts and liggers that way…stupidly loaded over here…

Of all the people I could bring I brought you..and you brought those hideous tights..I can barely eat this soft-shell crab in tamarind sauce without wanting to vomit all over them…

Can I get down now please? I don’t like it here…

I apparently knocked two people out of the way to get this picture…think I’m really starting to get into this pap thing…I just feel like I belong amongst famous folk..they’re just so..umm…famousy.

The competition for most ridiculous outfit was hotly contested…

Without a bold look to garner attention this magnate-looking man took to the empty dancefloor, forcing people to stare with a slightly painful display of dad dancing…

Salmon and egg served in a jar which when sprung open released a puff of steam – and i thought vol a vonts were posh…

Yes I seem to be the most famous person here…oh bollocks..

A tough gig for Finlay as the guests struggled to look up from their iphones…

Others were just too focussed on holding their most flattering pose…

…and others just couldn’t bear that someone was getting more attention than them and took drastic measures to claw back the limelight…

This gentleman seemed happy in the knowledge that he was probably the richest person there…

Oh, yeah and there was some art there too…which may or may not have been noticed…


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