#MYLDN (238)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

..I saw this elderly man being taken out for lunch by his daughter who he clearly hated. He was riddled with misery and was clearly “over” living. But what was seemingly keeping him going was in fact this, his need to reveal his resentment at whatever it was life had done to him to those who still cared for him. His hatred of life and his loved ones was literally keeping him going.

and so concludes this week’s series of stolen portraits of men in various shapes, stages, styles and steers following on from our female focus last week. Conclusions? Different shells? Same engines? The glory of human diversification? Surface judgement vs inner truth? There’s nowt queer as folk? Don’t judge a person by a picture? Maybe, don’t listen to the photographer is probably the best conclusion of all, listen to your eyes…

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