#MYLDN (273)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london.

If there was a motto to bind these colourful characters together this week it is “be yourself, everyone else is taken”. It is a celebration of the glorious individuality of London’s inhabitants. This is because we live in the capital city of no-one gives a shit. Where what you want, be who you feel like, just stay out of my way. This indifference creates a culture where freedom of expression can thrive. If you live in a small town and you look different in any way people stare, sometimes  worse. In a city this populated and diverse you live in a  world where no-one will ever notice you. For most people here, that’s a good thing. Anonymity rules.

P.S As I uploaded this picture I noticed the hand of the guy walking past, it totally freaked me out as it looks very much like he has a skull growing out of it(?!) Now, I’m all for personal style but that’s messed up. I’m not seeing things, right? That is a skull? Bulging underneath the skin? Ok, I admit it. I’m spooked.  How do you even DO that? If that is the case he definitely wins the most unusual look hands down (no pun intended) which is impressive as I wasn’t even taking a photograph of him but I really think he should probably be run out of town and burnt at the stake just to be on the safe side…where’s an angry mob when you need one? BURN HIM! BURN HIM! BURN HIM!

2 Replies to “#MYLDN (273)”

  1. … Could be just one poor guy’s deformity! Not sure it would be possible to do on purpose …

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