#MYLDN (367)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

If there is a significant break in MYLDN posts its because I have been arrested for the excessive stalking of Paul Weller or I have been hospitalized by the aforementioned Mr Weller. I am however starting to think that it is now possibly him that is in fact stalking me? He’s everywhere I go, always there, staring at me, hoping I will take a picture. Maybe he wants to become friends and doesn’t know how to. If Agnetha in Abba could start dating her stalker maybe me and Paul could become friends, right?

This is why I am respecting his wishes by not revealing the identity of his children as he has just successfully sued the Daily Mail for printing photos of his kids. (read article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27049435). I just think that a court case at this stage could get in the way of our blossoming friendship. Maybe our next picture will be together…babycakes & his new bff…Paul, if you’re reading this, don’t be shy, reach out…I won’t reject you…

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