#MYLDN (386)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


All the pictures from this week were taken within minutes of each other as I waited outside Evans for my girlfriend to make a purchase which took like for-eva because there was a whole thing with the till receipt and they had to get the manager who was on the phone and blah di blah di blah…I was instantly bored waiting and then I started to look around and the longer I was there the less bored I got. Its amazing what you can see in London when you stand still.  

I saw people in love, I saw people who hated each other – some were trying to hide it, some not. I saw busy bees and lost souls. Sparks of youth and decrepit old age. I saw every conceivable different type of character from every walk of life, some happy in their skin, some not. When my girlfriend finally emerged I was kind of sad to leave. In London you’re so busy bombing around you don’t realise that the less you move, the more you will observe. I guess I could start loitering outside Evans but that just seems weird but next time I’m stuck somewhere I might just not care. I might even be happy about it.

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