#MYLDN (430)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  


Riddle me this…rhinos are being killed off to the point of extinction so their horns can be ground up and sold as aphrodisiacs in the far east…this begs the following bullet points:

 a) Why don’t they just get Viagra? It works and nothing dies 

b) Why do they so desperately need something to get it up? Are their females so unappealing to them? For most hetro males women are the aphrodisiac…

c) If its that’s hard (pun kinda intended) for these men to achieve sexual arousal  they might want to consider they’re possibly shooting in the wrong firing range 

d) Leave the fucking rhinos alone! Its a fucking placebo…just grow a pair and then you might just find you don’t need it… 

Getting a bit vocal this week, not sure why…I used to do a blog called Rant ‘o’ Clock. Looks like it might be that time again…

4 Replies to “#MYLDN (430)”

  1. thanks evil elvis! Very enlightening! thanks for looking into it for me :)

  2. Ha, that’s for certain but not totally sure I want to re-open that angry can of worms…I might not be able to get them back in again!

  3. YES! Bring back the Rant O Clock – there is so much to say in these times….. :-/

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