#MYLDN (449)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


As my gallery about smartphone dependence circulates around the world my gaze returns to the oldest social prop known to man, the humble yet lethal cigarette. I read this week that only 1 in 5 of u.k population smokes now, down from 45% in the 70s. This shows how effective the campaign against smoking has been…unfortunately the 1 billion a year that was spent on the nhs dealing with smoking related diseases is now spent combatting obesity related illnesses. What I don’t understand is, if there has been such a drop how comes all I see are people chuffing away on the street?  Is is all just smoke and mirrors?

7 Replies to “#MYLDN (449)”

  1. hi marillia, good to hear, glad you related to it. I think based on the comments I have been receiving there is going to be a big backlash to these technological intrusions…maybe one day they will ban them from indoor spaces like cigarettes and people will have to go outside to be on them…it’ll will be interesting to see how it develops…

  2. that’s so weird…even weirder i have just been in new york..shame, we fellow photo romeros could have hooked up and shared our perspectives…please say hi from me and thanks for getting in touch, glad you liked the pictures :)

  3. I loved your “death of conversation” project. I’ver written little about it yet, but there’s an unease growing in me for a while. I refuse to upgrade my primitive smartphone; I don’t charge it; I don’t answer it. And when I teach, I tell my students I’ll crash their phones on the wall if I hear one of them peep. Why? It’s a diffuse feeling that this is an insult to Civlization. You expressed it so elegantly. Congrats

  4. nice photos….the cel images. Funny thing is, there was a well known photographer here in NY named Librado (Lee) Romero and a few years ago, he showed me some images he had done late at night, of people on their phones. He was a staffer at the NY Times at the time, so when I saw your images on Bored Panda, I immediately assumed it was his work and called him….WRONG!!!

  5. I think London is unrepresentative. We have a huge number of people here who are not from the UK – from countries where smoking is much more prevalent i.e. Spain and (yes) Germany where smokers are still holding on.

    In terms of tax the NHS is in debt to smokers. Smokers pay way more to the treasury than they will ever claim back from it through the tax they pay when buying cigarettes. http://www.ash.org.uk/files/documents/ASH_121.pdf

  6. Cakes,
    Smoke and mirrors? You crack me up. But what have ‘is is’ got to do with smoking? Is it another part of their dastardly plan?

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