#MYLDN (459)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


I read a quote that said “Up until the age of 30 you get the face God gave you, and after that you get the face you deserve”. I don’t believe in the big man upstairs but I do believe that youth hides all crimes. Eventually your personality and life experience will win over your dna revealing how you actually are. I see a lot of miserable people in the streets and I wonder how they got there, what event tipped them over the edge, what rejection was too hard to bear, what ambition was left at the side of the road? This is what fascinates me but this is not what people want to show.

This is why I believe that everyone wants to “pose’ for photos rather than be caught “au naturel”. It allows them to put their “face” on, to hide the cracks with a fixed smile and a turn of the head. But these are not moments in reality, they are the bits in-between.  Entire photo albums and Facebook pages are filled with these reality pauses, fabricated moments that didn’t exist before the camera came out. One day, when you look back at your life…it won’t be…it will be the bits in-between.

Happy friday! (he said trying half-heartedly to lighten the tone a bit, I know a sideways smiley face should do it :) there you go, all better! )

3 Replies to “#MYLDN (459)”

  1. cheers ashley, great to hear…and yes it is fascinating…there is so much going on beneath the surface with everyone, just to get a glimpse of that inner world is very compelling…all the best, babycakes

  2. I love your pictures! I love seeing the snippets of everyday life that are not posed. I love seeing that you are trying to portray life as it is and not as we post on Facebook. I am always watching people and love seeing people who I have no idea what their story is. Its fascinating!

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