#MYLDN (501)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


As Ja’mie, star of Summer Heights High would say…”Oh my god, that is soooo random!”

This week’s theme is actually an anti-theme as the selection of photographs have nothing in common other than they are all part of the weird sightings I experience wandering around London. It is these anomalies that make life worth living and this city is full of ’em..our brains scour the world around us looking for anything that stands out, something that feels strange, odd, disconcerting…this is our survival instinct kicking in as noticing things that were out of the ordinary would have kept you alive back  in the jungle.

Now that we are predator free we don’t really have to worry quite so much but we still, and will always, be on the alert…Look! Some thing’s trying to kill you..oh, no, its ok, its just a giant Simpsons family sitting in someone’s living room staring at me…nothing to worry about…panic over…right? 

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