#MYLDN (535)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


To see the full gallery “Parallel Portal Puddles” please click here

It is now widely assumed among physicists that we live inside a multi-verse, a potentially limitless amount of universes whose alternate dimensions are possibly all sandwiched on top of each other in the most unfathomable of ways. As if the ridiculous sized universe that we lived in wasn’t a head fuck enough.

Now and again I feel I can see into these parallel worlds. A glimpse beyond our own reality. They might be just puddles to you by I see portals into other worlds, cracks in time and space. It looks like you could leap feet first into them and disappear into another sphere of existence. But on the other side, another version of you might be thinking exactly the same thing…I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the dimensional portal.

p.s its been raining

p.p.s its a short week here in U.K. Its Good Thursday..enjoy your long weekend..see you on tuesday!

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