Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london
This week’s theme is entitled “Thru the looking glass”. London is full of weird and wonderful in-your-face window displays with shops and galleries getting excessively creative & occastionally confrontational to get you to look in their establishment.
In the case of the above monstrosity, I would normally say that art is most definitely in the eye of the beholder and any rating of quality is always subjective. I can also, in most cases, see the merit or effort in most things…but this is just friggin hideous!
This is some tosh bit of corporate art in the foyer of some swanky offices that they probably paid a fortune for. But what the hell is it?? Apart from revolting that is. Its like a genetic experiment gone wrong. It was probably intended as a worthy statement on species decline but in fact its just utter pants. I mean, what’s that lump on the floor? Freaky zebra shit? The mind boggles…