#MYLDN (554)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


limbs without faces, legs without heads..with only appendages to look at what does the brain do? it fills in the gaps. It imagines. It creates. It projects. Faces reveal everything but in their absence we are forced to look closer or we are forced to invent. When we do not have the full story we fill it in. Our brains can’t help it. They want the whole thing and don’t seem to care if the bit that is missing is completed internally.

For me, the weird thing is that the brain wants to do it in the first place. Don’t have a full memory of an event? Don’t worry, your brain will fill it in and then tell you it happened. Don’t know why someone is doing something? Fear not, the brain will assume motive and tell you that’s the truth. Can’t see anything but a pair of legs? Without you even realising it, the brain will sketch in the rest. This is why I think C.G.I has it wrong. The brain wants to be involved. It wants to fill in the gaps. It doesn’t want the full picture. And this is why I give you photos of legs. So your brain can do its thing. Off you go…

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