#MYLDN (564)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


This week’s dedicated followers of fashion are a celebration of one of the great British traditions: The Eccentric Dressed Gent. They also champion the fact that you can pretty much get away looking any which way you wish in London. One of the joys of a melting pot metropolis is that you can really be who you want to be and wear what the fuck you like and no-one will really give a shit.

The irony is that all these flamboyant dressers move to the big cities, not so they can stand out, but so they can blend in. Much as their outfits would imply the need to be noticed I feel its actually the opposite. When you live in a small town you stand out like a sore thumb if you break from the norm in the slightest of ways but amongst the millions you barely get a look in.  And maybe that’s just what they want.

All the freaks, weirdos, crazy dressers and extroverts flock to places all over the world where they can be themselves. In London we are tolerant of everyone. We don’t judge. Not because we are necessarily enlightened, we just can’t be bothered. We’re too busy getting worked up about other shit. People’s chosen attires are the least of our problems. So if you want to release your “inner peacock” London might just be the place for you…

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