#MYLDN (579)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


The original residents of Notting Hill which still remains amongst its new  posh inhabitants still have a  very tight community where most people seem to know each other. Portobello Road is the road everyone strolls down to do their bits and bobs and to interact, mostly during the week as its full of thousands of tourists at the weekend.

The “Stop & chat” is the dominant form of socialising in the hood and you can see it happening every day throughout the day. It is very rare in London to have this sense of community where you actually know your neighbours. It is quite unique in this day and age, especially in a city as large and anonymous as the one we live in. Personally I am a fan of the “stop and chat”. Its socialising without planning or eating and lasts just long enough to have a  bit of conversation without running out of things to say.

It is apparently this type of interactive social cohesion which brings wellbeing and happiness to people’s lives. Next time you avoid eye contact with your neighbour or don’t speak to the person who works in the shop you see every day maybe don’t. It just might make your day. ..and even theirs.

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