#MYLDN (661)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


No words this week, (well other than the ones I am going to use here to explain why there aren’t any this week..even in silence I can’t keep quiet!) just photographs of people hanging out in groups outdoors. Urban wolf packs grazing in the street. I will let you draw your own conclusions for a change…picture should tell their own story and I might let them for a while (until I find something I can’t shut up about which probably won’t be too long).

To impose meaning on a photograph does limit it in some ways. Quantum mechanics show that reality is not the fixed thing we believe it is – it is much more in flux. An infinite number of possibilities all co-existing concurrently and only achieving solidity once the observer is involved.  To be honest I can’t really get my head around how the fuck it works but it has been proven. All I understand is that the fabric of reality is not as smooth or as tailored as you would imagine it was).

In the case of the photographs this week, each one told a story, revealed something about the group dynamic and the people in it but maybe you didn’t see what I saw, maybe you saw something completely different. It is not for me to limit your experience. You are the observer. You get to decide your own reality.

p.s worst attempt at saying nothing ever

p.p.s I really am going to shut up now for a bit


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