#MYLDN (943)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Crunch time for Britain…

This election is our last chance to protect the things that should be most valued in society: services, healthcare, community support, affordable housing, a living wage, equal opportunities, culture. The Tories do not value these things because they do not value us or our needs. They seem to stand for nothing other than themselves.

They cannot be trusted with our future because they are only planning for their own.  They plunged our country into disarray, creating division and instability for their own political gain. They have continually shown no concern for the effects of their actions as long as they stay in power.  If they get back in they will continue to initiate policies for their own benefit whilst selling off the countries assets (including the NHS) in the process. This is what the Tories do. This is all they ever do. They will take away our human rights. They will continue to slash services.  A vote for them is really just a vote for them, not for you, not for the country, not for anyone else.

Or you could vote #anythingbuttory. Just make sure you vote. Everything else can wait till tomorrow.

If you want to know how to make a tactical vote here is how to do it: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2017/jun/02/tactical-voting-guide-how-to-make-your-vote-count-in-the-2017-election



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