#MYLDN KCKSTRTR Campaign – featured print (18)

Me and my kickstarter, selling prints of my hometown, my capital city, my london

I have just 5 days left to go and I only need to sell 10 more prints to get me to my funding goal of my kickstarter campaign. I never thought I would get this far but I am so close now to the finish line I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but I really need your help to get there.

If you would like to own a one of a kind 1 of 1 print that no-one else will ever have for only £30.00 please click on this link while there is still time and make a pledge to my campaign:


These images will never be again be sold at this price and this is a one time only opportunity to have something that is both unique and affordable, a rare beast in this day and age.


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