When I was 15 years old I was in Class 5g at school. Is there a connection with the controversial mobile network currently being installed across the globe and the name of my class? No, there isn’t. Or is there?? Am I involved in the conspiracy? Not at all. Or is my admission followed by a swift denial in fact a cover up double bluff to make you think I’m not involved? And before I get sent hate mail and death rates I should say that I’m not actually involved. It has nothing to do with me.

Is the outbreak of Covid-19 anything to do with 5g? No, no more than I am but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything wrong with 5g. But by putting 2 and 2 together and getting ‘corona consipirasuey’ isn’t helping a genuine need to demand that this, soon to be, all pervasive tech be tested more than it has been which is not at all. Its potential harm to our health needs to be established before we get bombarded by its radiation from every single direction.

Meanwhile the whole insanely contagious Covid virus thing is a difficult thing to get your head around but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It is happening and it wasn’t man made although we are technically responsible, not for its creation, but for its spread into the human population through the side effects of intensive farming & habitat destruction. Air pollution has also exacerbated its harmful effects and under funded under-prepared pandemic departments were not equipped to deal with it despite governments being informed that something like this was always a case of ‘when’ not ‘if’ . Pandemics are not a new thing. This is just the next instalment in the continuing battle between viruses and living organisms which has been fought since the dawn of time, we just weren’t around to see the other episodes.

We are drowning in misinformation and up to our earballs in bullshit. So infinitely more important than trying to consume everything the internet is bombarding us with, we need to be able to disseminate what is factual in origin and what is supposition based on opinion. And even though the powers that be lie through their front, back and side teeth on an almost daily basis they ain’t lying about everything. And they ain’t lying about this. And unfortunately people’s unwillingness to believe it is in fact causing it to spread further as people are not taking the required precautions. I kinda get it. Corona is a proper headfuck. Firstly its effect on people is so vastly different..from no symptoms at all to death and every gradient in-between so it feels unreal. But the diverse reactions to our bodies do not mean it’s not a reality but as you also can’t actually see it, it makes it even more difficult to believe. But if you want to see the reality, go to the hospitals. go to the morgues.

I love a good conspiracy theory, who doesn’t? But you can’t just accept them as real until you have done your own research from multiple and reliable sources and fact check the shit out of it rather than just share something you got sent on whatsapp. Also, disinformation is spread when people are trying to cover something up so you have to work out what that is, for what reason and who has to gain. As the ole saying goes..follow the money.

In the case of 5g ‘they’ have done everything they can to supress any negative reports about it in a very forceful manner. They have taken down thousands of facebook pages & youtube videos and removed any dissent whatsoever because it is worth trillions to those rolling it out and they don’t want any negative publicity. Is that a conspiracy to cover up? Yes. Is it something more to it than that? Probably not, but they once again are putting profit before people and clearly will risk any health risks on the population in the process.

If you want a great conspiracy theory about Corona it’s that we are in fact in a virtual simulation and our computer masters needed to restrict where we go so they can update the system and do essential maintenance. Think about it. If they keep us confined they won’t have to run the entire program for each individual. Really makes sense if you think about it..but like a lot. Like till your brain seeps out of your ears in a mad bid for freedom to avoid thinking about it anymore. Please see scientific documentaries ‘the matrix’ and ‘devs’ for more info.

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