MYLDN special – ‘London Stays’ Rally

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london rally




Throughout the EU referendum campaign Europe was never really presented as something positive. We were only told about the negative impacts of leaving. But in the last 48 hours a spate of racist attacks have happened all over the country and I was at this rally in London tonight and it became clear what Europe stood for. It stands for unity not division. It stands for love not hate. It stands for tolerance not racism. Inclusion not exclusion. It stands for solidarity amongst those who seek to destroy the peace that has been maintained since the last great war. Maybe this is knowledge that comes too late but now at least we know what we are fighting for.

We must not allow racism to become acceptable in this country. We must stop it in its tracks. If you let it in it will take hold of our nation we will see facism rise and racist behaviour become the norm. We cannot stand by and watch this happen. We are now divided as a nation and an ideological war has begun. Those who propagate fear and hatred against those who stand for a united nation for everyone.

Evil happens when good people stand by and do nothing. So if you see or hear any form of racist attack, verbal or physical, you must do everything in your power to stop it. We have to shut them up and shut them down now or suffer the consequences. We must all stand alongside the immigrant populations who live here and make them know they are welcome and that at least 48% of the entire population do not want them to suffer prejudice and we do not want them to go.

We cannot become a haven for the far right to grow. That will only end one way and we cannot let that happen. No-one ever thought it could go back to that and its barely in the history books and its already happening again. The days for political apathy are over. We cannot let our country be hijacked. We cannot become a symbol of intolerance to the world. This cannot be our message. We must let them know that is NOT what we stand for.

I stood out in the rain this evening with everyone else and cries of ‘love not hate’,  ‘EU we love you’ and ‘Fuck you Boris’ made us all feel a little bit better and the horror show shit storm we are now in had a glimmer of light amidst the dark shadowy clouds. This is not over. This is just beginning.

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