MYLDN special: The best banners at the March for Europe

Me and my camera in my home town, my protest rally, my march for europe

march for europe-1 march for europe-2 march for europe-3 march for europe-4 march for europe-5 march for europe-6 march for europe-7 march for europe-8 march for europe-9 march for europe-10


march for europe-12 march for europe-13 march for europe-14 march for europe-15 march for europe-16 march for europe-17 march for europe-18 march for europe-19 march for europe-20 march for europe-26march for europe-21 march for europe-22 march for europe-23

march for europe-25march for europe-24

What do the british do in a crisis? We pun

And so we marched and we cried:

We are the 48 and we are not going to allow hate to dominate

We are the 48 and we do not care where you are from, what you look like, who you are, where you were born or what religion you are or what sexual orientation you are.

We are the 48 and if you live here and you contribute and want to integrate and be a part of our society you are welcome.

We are the 48 and we want to tell you that Britain is ‘Great’ because of all the nationalities that live here, not in spite of them

We are the 48 and we will not accept the legitimacy of a campaign won on fear, lies and xenophobic propaganda

We are the 48 and we will not service the plans of self-serving politicians who gamble with our lives and our country

We are the 48 and you might think us just sore losers but to stand back and do nothing whilst our country and its values go down the toilet would just make us bigger losers

We are the 48 and we want Britain to be part of the solution not the problem

We are the 48 and we know what happens to this continent when we turn on each other and we will not let it happen again

We are the 48 and this is not over.



6 Replies to “MYLDN special: The best banners at the March for Europe”

  1. Thanks. The city’s inhabitants were as you say largely united and believe in inclusion rather than exclusion. shame the rest of the country didn’t feel quite the same way…

  2. Thanks Alex. They certainly are. We might have a rep for being rude and unfriendly but we, The United People of London, all bonafide residents regardless of race, march together and hopeful towards our joint future! And we might pun..but we won’t hide!

  3. Amazing pics about Brexit. Keep on Rocking We hope that people change and finally we can talk about “Brentrance”. Thanks for show the real feeling of London (smiley face)

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