The question everyone keeps asking me is if Joker was inspired by the cover of my book? I would have to say no, it wasn’t inspired by, they totally stole it! I can’t actually say too much as am now in the process of litigation but when my lawyers got in touch with the film production team they stated that the movie had been green lit 3 years ago so it was impossible it could have been “influenced” by my international bestselling book (sales figures tbc) which they “claim” they had never even heard of. Yeah right! So a book cover with evil clowns comes out and two weeks later a film about a guy who is an evil clown comes out and that’s just a coincidence? I mean, come on. do they think I’m stoopid?

And they further added that the character of the Joker has been around since the 40s so how could it have been influenced by it? And? So? Some of the people in my book have been around since the 40s, what the fuck are they talking about?

What hurts is that I have been a massive fan of The Joker all my life. My name Romero is actually taken from the actor Cesar Romero who played The Joker in the 60s Batman series. And obvs I love a good joke as much as the next deranged clown but this ain’t funny. DC have issued me a ‘cease and desist’ letter, banned me from loitering around their offices and have enforced a restraining order so that I can’t come within 500 metres of Joaquin Phoenix. A bit heavy handed wouldn’t you say? I mean, yes I was hiding in his garden for a while but is that a crime? How did I know that he would object to me erecting a small circus tent full of chihuahuas dressed as miniature clowns who I taught how to howl the Batman theme tune? I was just trying to make him aware of the situation. I mean, don’t you think they’re being a little over sensitive? Why so serious? hehe..

Anyway, the battle goes on. If you want to support the plucky little guy against the big evil corporation buy a book via link below and proceeds will go towards my legal battle.

We can’t let them get away with it. Otherwise where will it end? Next they’ll be saying that “IT” wasn’t anything to do with me either…I mean, come on!

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