#MYLDNites (20)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my londonites

MYLDNites 20

And so concludes the latest series of london nightlife…last week focussed on people frequenting establishments and this week’s focus is on those who frequenting the streets….warmer and wealthier on the inside, cheaper and chiller on the outside but everyone is hanging out just the same.

London feels like it is getting busier and busier at night…the nocturnal population is definitely swelling…you can get stuck in a traffic jam at 3am which is insane…its getting a lot more like New york which is ironic as was just there a couple of weeks ago (no pics sadly as had my camera stolen on 1st night!) and it has got a lot quieter at night. Massive hikes in property prices have forced a lot of people out of the centre making Manhattan an altogether quieter place…the city that never sleeps…actually now goes to sleep! By contrast London is going the other way and with the arrival next year of 24/7 trains at the weekend…London will soon be New New York. Bring it on!

If you want to see full myldnites gallery please click here

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