#MYLSBN (08)

If you know anyone who is quarantining on their own, give em a shout, make sure they ok. A lil chat goes a long way. I have to say that one of the positives of this increasingly surreal situation is that if you phone someone they actually take the call. Everyone’s available. Everyone wants to chat. The ratio of answering machines to pick ups has drastically reversed. Could this be the thing that sees the return of phone conversations, the once dominant form of communication now deposed and replaced with text based interaction? Who knows but ‘it’s good to talk’ as an old BT campaign used to say back in the 80s, which was probably the last time someone took my call.

So lets keep the airwaves open, and as my friend Grant said, “we might as well because nothing else is”. Ironically it might be this enforced isolation that makes us realise how important it is to stay connected and to feel part of a community. It is, in fact, more than important. It is essential to our well being.


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