Got this amazing shot of Jupiter with my new telephoto lens and a little help from a 328 minute exposure last night. Very happy with results…gonna have a go at Saturn later..

2 Replies to “MYSLRSYSTM (01)”

  1. um, i used like a really powerful lens and umm, just held the camera really tightly, i have a very steady grip altho my arm did get tired. time did go slowly or ‘despacio’ as the spanish would say. I listened mostly to april skies by jesus and mary chain and fool on the hill by the beatles..;)

    btw am listening to nubians of plutonia as i write this so thanks for rec. dont really know much of sun ra’s stuff apart from the batman album he did which is brilliant and have on vinyl so looking forward to hearing more…

  2. that is pretty insane and most excellent – two questions come up – one is, what lens?, and two is what drive system did you use to keep yourself on target over five and a half hours? – and I’ll add a third question – what music were you listening to over that time period – I would hope some Sun Ra would be in the playlist – perhaps something off The Nubians Of Plutonia or Interstellar Low Ways – like “Rocket Number Nine Take Off For The Planet Venus” – or maybe “Interplanetary Music” from We Travel The Spaceways (and the Mickey Moonlight version of that tune could be fun . . . holy crap! I have 38 hours of Sun Ra in my digital library – plus whatever vinyls I have not yet digitized… Cosmic Tones For Mental Therapy Art Forms Of Dimensions Tomorrow. . . . hmmmm

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