#MYLDN (418)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 

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#MYLDN (417)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (416)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


People are described as living on the margins of society but we narrow our peripheral vision to locate them there. Even when the sun is shining, you need to keep looking in the shadows.

#MYLDN (415)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (414)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (413)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (412)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (411)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 

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#MYLDN (410)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  


#MYLDN (409)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (408)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (407)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 



Me and my camera in someone else’s field, my festival season, my glastonbury  


To see the full Glasto Gallery please click here

I did spend most of my Glasto at Despacio mainly for the simple reason it was “The best party at the best party in the world” ©. The council shut it down early on Saturday  due to sound levels as apparently there was “too much wattage” – the atmosphere was electric so I guess that’s what did it?!  It was absolutely gut wrenching for everyone there who were literally having the time of their lives and for the sleeping neighbours they were undoubtedly none the wiser that 800 people had their hearts broken in the flick of a switch. 

Every minute on the Despacio floor is to be cherished and with 80 precious minutes still to go and the ultimate building crescendo finale taken away from us, we all stood there in total shock as the lights went up. Faces of joy turned to faces of horror. It was as if our still beating hearts had been ripped out by the freaky voodoo guy in Indiana Jones 2. Overly dramatic? If you were there you know I am not exaggerating. What killed even more was rather than hug all my new random dance floor best friends and celebrate that we had all been at “The best party at the best party in the world” © (yes I am trying to make T.B.P.A.T.B.P.I.T.W happen)  we all just sloped off into the night knowing that everything would be a massive drop down by comparison. And it was.

Overall though Glasto 14 was a killer from start to finish. Immense fun throughout. Yes, its total carnage. Battling with mud and tents and 200,000 people (mostly off their faces) in a massive temporary town with slightly unsavoury facilities but it is oh so worth it. Glasto knocks the pathetic prissy city dweller out of you and drops your standards to zero and below and soon enough you’re covered in crap and you just don’t care. Roll on 2015!


Me and my camera in someone else’s field, my festival season, my glastonbury 


This was taken at the umm…well,ok, I don’t have an exact location for this one either – does it really matter where it was taken? It was at Glasto, that’s all you need to know. They don’t seem to know where they are either so its ok really…


Me and my camera in someone else’s field, my festival season, my glastonbury 


In all honesty I don’t really remember taking this shot or where exactly it was or when for that matter but as the saying goes…if you remember Glastonbury you weren’t really there…anyway who needs a memory? That’s what photographs are for right? To fill in the gaps…I read recently that you actually have much less chance of remembering an event if you take a photo as the brain assumes its been taken care of  and doesn’t bother storing it…which  I guess is what happened in this instance…and all the other instances I can’t recall…


Me and my camera in someone else’s field, my festival season, my glastonbury  despaciobcrbury-7

Despacio opened its doors (i know tents don’t really have doors but go with it) in the Silver Hayes area on Thursday at 8pm. There was already a massive queue to get in  and it was at capacity within minutes. The rest then queued from that moment on to the moment it closed. Those who made it in will  know it was  worth the wait…and some.


Me and my camera in someone else’s field, my festival season, my glastonbury

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Glastonbury. Pedestrian Gate A. Wednesday 9am (25.6.14)  This is the day before the warm up day of the biggest music festival in the world…no-one used to go to Glasto on the Wednesday, now most people arrive then.

As the entrance fee and attendance has increased year on year out the festival go-ers arrives earlier and earlier to make the most of their £250 tickets and to try and get a half decent spot before the hoardes arrive…this year it seemed everyone had that idea.

We got there at 3am the night before to avoid this situation after some valuable advice to avoid wed morning arrival  from the Glasto website..thank god no-one else read it. I think I would have been crying into my wellies had got there with this lot but they didn’t seem too bothered…the sun was shining and a lot were already tucking into their tinnies…yes it was 9am but this is Glastonbury. People start early..and they finish 6 days later.

#MYLDN (406)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


This week’s photos have all been added to the gallery “R u Talkin to Me?”. Please click here to view

#MYLDN (405)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN (404)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london