#MYLDN (1701)

This is Christine. She used to work at ‘My Beautiful Launderette’ on the corner of my road even though she was well into her late 80s. She worked there until they shut it down and sold if off to make flats about a year or so ago. I used to see her most days and we would have a little chat and I always enjoyed our conversations. I considered her a good friend of mine. She had a mischievous smile and was always cracking jokes. She was from Austria originally, had a great accent and was also extremely small, barely taller than the machines.

In the summer she would sit on the steps of the lauderette after she had finished cleaning and watch the world go by.

After they closed the launderette I didn’t see much of her and the last time I was with her she said she had developed a heart condition. I had been buzzing on her door recently but there was no answer and knew something had happened. The other day I found out she had passed away and was very sad to hear. I will miss her. RIP Christine…

#MYLDN (1700)

People enjoying the sun this week. A lot of people seem to be quite happy about the recent heatwave, seemingly unaware of the dire situation we now find ourselves in. And maybe that’s not their fault. The mainstream media are still presenting puff pieces on the scorchio weather. Their dereliction of duty to inform the public of the true consequences of global heating will, in the future, see them found guilty for crimes against humanity . As should all the politicians in power around the world who just have sat back, made excuses and let the clock run down when they should’ve been acting with full force.

No, it’s not the end of the world, but it is possibly the beginning of it..,

A environmental conglomerate have actually just taken the U.K government to court and had their net zero strategy declared unlawful because there literally isn’t one in place. They have basically done sweet fuck all since declaring a climate emergency 3 years ago. If it was any other emergency would you wait 3 years before doing anything?? Why they aren’t all hands on deck when the world is literally burning is just a full blown fucking mystery.

Greta said to act like our house is on fire but we seem to be sitting in the living room whilst we watch the other rooms go up in flames casually waiting for it to get to us…well, the smoke is at the door, that moment is upon us. This supposedly fictitious future that the fossil fuel companies have been actively trying to disprove for decades has come to meet us in the present. The future is now.

print ad paid for by fossil fuel company in 80s to sow the seed of doubt that is still being watered and fed

We should all be on the streets protesting demanding action. And yet movements such as Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain and Stop Oil just seem to irritate the general public who would prefer to find fault with their actions rather than join them. If we all united we could convince them to act but why in fuck we even need to is another fucking mystery…

Do our leaders and the media barons and the fossil fuel CEOs honestly think they’re going to somehow escape the ravages of climate breakdown? Are they so deluded they don’t think they will be affected? And their children? Do they not care what happens to their own offspring? Do they think their wealth will protect them? It really doesn’t matter how rich you are, if crops can’t grow you can’t eat. End of.

I was listening to a radio phone in during Tuesday’s 40 degree heatwave and Stacey from Catford called in to say “she was lovin this weather, bring it on!” Sorry Stacey, what do you want to bring on exactly? A world which is too hot for humans? Is that what you want?

Every year is the hottest on record. This is only going in one direction. If we do not act immediately (2050 is a death sentence) the world we have built we be utterly pointless if the planet is no longer liveable. We have to change. In attempting to preserve our way of life we are guaranteed to destroy it. But it is not only possible but highly doable. Phase out fossil fuels, reduce meat production, minimise travel and consumerism..it is achievable but we need our leaders to lead the way not get in the way.

I have been banging on about the climate since I started this blog and have always tried to throw in a positive note amidst the doom but there is just no point sugar coating this anymore. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place. We must accept the severity of the situation before we can act accordingly. No more rose-tinted bullshit. Time to face the furnace head on.. it’s our only way out….

#MYLDN (1699)

#MYLDN (1698)

#MYLDN (1697)

#MYLDN (1696)

#MYLDN (1695):

“Racist, Rapist, Snitch, Psychologist?!!” Is this all one person? If so, that’s a lot for just one human being.

Wall scrawls this week. Their words not mine. Politics, love, baby announcements, cat piss..we got it all.

P.s Am off next week for a bit of R & R..see you on the return…

#MYLDN (1694)

I was by happenstance going to post this photo today even before I heard the magnificent news. I was always slightly confused by what was written on this wall as couldn’t tell if the writer thought the above were actually good things or this was a sarcastic list of his (lack of) achievements. Either way it don’t matter no more…cos its bye bye Boris! Finally amidst a relentless barrage of bad news something good actually happens…let’s just enjoy this moment.

#MYLDN (1693)

#MYLDN (1692)

clearly undecided on this one…

#MYLDN (1691)

#MYLDN (1690)

Pictures of women going about their business this week and you can probably guess why. I don’t really wanna wade in (sorry) on the American abortion debate mainly because it shouldn’t still be a debate. Certainly not in 2022. However the overturning of Roe vs Wade proves once again that the human race is not going in a forward direction. Progress in our species is not linear and it’s definitely not permanent. We are going back and forth. Battles that had already been won must now be fought again. And just like the regressive Middle ages followed the highly advanced ancient civilisations we appear to be entering into darker more unevolved times.

Not that the oppression of women is new. That seems to have been going on for millenia. Maybe for ever. But it only shows one thing. The old men in power are clearly afraid of women and feel they must suppress them or else they will rise up and take control. And maybe that is exactly what needs to happen. Haven’t we all had enough of insecure alpha males swingin their lil dicks about? Wrecking everything in sight just so they can prove they’re the biggest baddest boy on the block? (yes Putin we are talking about you)

Let’s face it, male dominance has wrecked life on this planet for far too long. We need to rapidly adopt a more empathetic less destructive approach to our existence before it’s too late and women seem to be the only gender that are really capable of that. Step aside menfolk, you had your chance, you fucked it up, time to move over..

And I know we’ve obviously already had women in power and they haven’t all been kind and compassionate (yes thatcher we are talking about you) but often once they reach office they sadly feel they must be even more aggressive and cutthroat to be taken seriously in the men’s club (yes Priti, we are talking about you). But what would a women’s club look like? Men have waged wars, destroyed the environment and are pushing us to the point of extinction..I mean is it even possible do a worse job than that?

And this isn’t some woke virtue signalling proto feminist angle from a self-loathing man (did I hear someone at the back yell kill the patriarchy?) this is just basic common sense. If the men who ruled from this century alone were an employee (which technically they are. they supposedly work for us) they would have been fired a very long time ago as all they seem to be doing with their power is trying to maintain it by controlling (or attempting to) everyone they see as a threat (which is apparently half the human race just for starters).

And dictating what a woman can or cannot do with her body is the ultimate form of control. It effectively makes women property of the state. Forced pregnancy is slavery. It leaves women with the same reproductive rights as dairy cows. As in none. This is not a political issue. This is not a religious issue. This is a massive infringement of basic human rights. And this is from the land of supposed freedom and democracy.And we all know this is just the beginning. Ultimately it’s not going to end well for anyone. And to prove this point the Supreme Cunts (juvenile I know but very appropriate) yesterday ruled they will block Biden’s attempts to reduce emissions which means the actions of these absurdly powerful unelected dark lords affects us all. And what do they even want these babies to be born for if they aren’t even going to give them a liveable future?

#MYLDN (1689)

#MYLDN (1688)

#MYLDN (1687)

#MYLDN (1686)

#MYLDN (1685)

Summer is here and love is definitely in the air. Heat triggers hormones and the primary drive is initiated. If that sounds a bit too biological and sciencey I am actually an old romantic at heart. There is nothing more positive than seeing young love in blossom. It brings a sense of hope and optimism, which are in short shrift these days.

And for the record, ‘young’ love isn’t exclusive to young people and isn’t even necessarily love in the early stages of a relationship. It can still exist beyond the confines of the honeymoon phase. It will survive intact for as long as you continue to feel it unconditionally and without reserve. Time only eats it away if you let it. Keep fanning the flames and it will burn bright forever.

In all honesty I’m not sure what else there is to say about love that hasn’t already been said in a billion (not accurate calculation) poems, songs, novels and works of art, all who have attempted to explain this all encompassing feeling. Truth is, it’s really not that complicated. It’s actually very simple, possibly the simplest experience on Earth. You love someone. And they either love you or don’t love you back. That’s it. What else is there to know?

And yet we feel compelled to try and understand it so we can hopefully control it. But that is a futile and ultimately impossible endeavour. Many of the shots feature couples holding hands and it does sometimes feel like this public display of affection goes beyond just wanting to touch and be connected, they are actually gripping on to them so they don’t fly off. They want them tethered. There is also a sense of ownership attached to this innocent act, a display to any interested parties to show they are not available. I’m not personally a fan of holding hands but having said all that I try not to be cynical when I see it in others. It’s sweet really, especially when you see it with older couples.

Maybe they are all holding on with all their might because love is a bumpy ride. It’s a bucking bronco, a rollercoaster, a whirling dervish. (I actually don’t really know what one of those is, but it popped out of my brain and it sounds good. Yes I guess I could look it up but where’s the fun in that?)

What I am curious about though is not really the mechanics of love but when did it begin? Love is a construct. The concept was created at some point. Apparently around the 12th century. But who was it? Who invented love? And did they brag about it? Yeah, love, that was me. I did that. And what did couples do before then? What did they say to reassure each other they still felt it when there wasn’t a word for it? But babe, of course I still…umm…you know..no, what? You still what? Actually I don’t know either…

Did labelling it enhance the experience? Or did it allow people to hide behind the word? You can say it when you don’t necessarily mean it. Top tip: Always look in the eyes. Eyes don’t lie but mouths do. I also think the relentless overuse of the “I love you” phrase makes it lose its potency and power. You gotta hold it back. Make that shit count.

I was watching an episode of the new Star Trek series the other night (don’t judge I’m a Sci-fi nerd) and one of the characters said “Love is the only thing that makes the coldness of space bearable”. But I think the same is true here on Earth. Although there is also another saying: “Couples are so boring, everybody knows it” and that’s also difficult to argue with.

And I know I said everything had been said but it turns out that didn’t stop me from chucking in my 10 pence worth…what a surprise.

Love you. Babycakes

#MYLDN (1684):

#MYLDN (1683)

#MYLDN (1682)