#MYLDN (1481)

Anti anti-vaxers.

#MYLDN (1480)

What? already? It’s literally brand new…ok, so if not that, then what? what’s next? Nu new normal? Normal 10.5.1? Not normal at all? Back to Classic Normal? I’m so confused..what do you people want?

#MYLDN (1479) – Carnival 2020

The police turned up to police a carnival that had been cancelled

People in yellow jackets patrolled the area to tell people there was no carnival happening.

The shops were boarded up to protect outlets from the revellers that never arrived.

All in all it was fucking weird as hell. Everyone expected somit to be happening but in the end nothing did. This vacuum of activity created a highly unusual and deeply eerie feeling in the hood. Turns out The Notting Hill Carnival is so big that even its absence has a presence.

I saw one man bashing a drum walked up Portobello whilst blowing his whistle and one man briefly stood on a car and that was about it.

I also went to an extremely sedate officially sanctioned tiny gathering on the Monday and at one point, as we were leaving, 3 riot vans containing around 40 cops turned up.

It was symptomatic of the police presence overkill as they spent 3 days looking for arrests to justify their existence. We heard of a few people we know being stop and searched for no reason, even one guy who was out for a walk with his 7 year old son. Sadly and painfully predictably, they were all black.

I have been to many Carnivals in my time (too many to count – everyone bar one since 1995 if you feel like doing the maths) but this is the first one I’ve been to when they only people who showed up were the Police. We truly live in strange times.

My highlight of the weekend was our neighbours who had a party on the street for 2 days and kept the carnival spirit going. I wasn’t really feeling it myself but was glad someone was. Roll on 2021 is all I can say…

p.s good to be back. hope ya didn’t miss me too much ;)

#MYLDN (1478) – Carnival 2020

#MYLDN (1477) – Carnival 2020

#MYLDN (1476) – Carnival 2020

#MYLDN (1475)

I’m trying to. I really am…actually fuck it, let’s go with full on positive outcome..

Can’t do any harm right?

All shots this week part of my ongoing series “R u talkin to me”.

And so, that’s it from me. I’m off for August as per usual, pretending we are still in Europe & looking forward to some digital detox decompression…

hope you get to enjoy your summer, stay safe, stay sane & stay off the news feed when you can…and see you in September!

BC x

#MYLDN (1474)

#MYLDN (1473)

#MYLDN (1472)

#MYLDN (1471)

#MYLDN (1470)

And so I end the week where i began, on the very same corner. Just some random local moments, all connected purely by geography and a captured stance. As we’re all trying to get back to some sort of “normal’ thought I would bring you some good ole fashioned street photography devoid of any doomy gloomy social commentary for a change. Sometimes a photo is just a photo…as someone must surely have said at some point..

#MYLDN (1469)

#MYLDN (1468)

“#MYLDN (1467)

Which is the before and which is the after? Who was my intended subject? Who got caught in the crossfire?

“#MYLDN (1466)

#MYLDN (1465)

We hold the future in our hands. We decide what happens from here. It is all within our control but it will not be handed to us on a plate. We will have to fight for what’s right, every single step of the way. The days for sitting back and hoping for the best are behind us…destiny awaits.

Meanwhile back in the past…

2020: “Wait till they get a load of me…mwah haa haa!”

#MYLDN (1464)

#MYLDN (1463)

#MYLDN (1462)