#MYLDN (1387)

A week of famous bods this week. The celeb endorsements were obvs designed to flog my book (few more to come) but I wanted to also flag up the power and influence that the cult of celebrity has had on politics. It has obviously always had the popularity contest element to it but now, like America, it dominates to such a degree, that nothing else seems to matter anymore. This is nuts when the process involves making a decision about who we choose to govern our country and something that will ultimately affect all our lives so dramatically.

All I seem to hear in this run up to the general election when discussing potential leaders is whether people like them or not. Not what they stand for. Not their policies. Not their actions. But what does it matter? They aren’t going to become your friend. You’re never going to hang out with them or have them over for dinner so who gives a fook if they are ‘your type of person’ or not? What matters is are they competent, decent, intelligent? Are they going to do what is right? Are they going to put the citizens of their country first? Will they serve rather than be self-serving? They need to be leader material not mate material.

We also must accept that our opinions of these people are based on how they have been represented by the media and it is the way they are reported that dictates how we feel about them. We have never met them so it is not based on anything real. We don’t ‘know them’ know them. We just think we know them. We are basing our judgment on a flimsy easily digestible version of them, a 2 dimensional construct that has been fed to us.

We are essentially responding to a ‘character’ that has been ‘created’ to be loved or vilified. It is a perception of a person that has been presented with an intended purpose. The media are deliberately trying to sway you for and against the politicians because they are driven by their own political agenda. They are not objective. It’s not like they just want us to be informed. They are a propaganda machine and not to be trusted. We must see through these motives and we must take this on board before we let it affect the way we vote.

And if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after and really isn’t that what we live for in this country? Why take away one of your favourite pleasures in life…

#MYLDN (1386)

#MYLDN (1385)

#MYLDNBK – Celebrity Endorsements (Ep. 3) – The Harry

If you can’t see this vid please click on this link: https://youtu.be/y-EBEaUsx60

Please note: These are 100% real testimonials. The celebs featured have not received any payment whatsoever. Their views are their own. They just really really want you to buy a book because they really really like you and want you to be happy.

Harry was a darling. So sweet. In the morning he arrived with coffees for me and all the crew and in the afternoon when we were all flagging he had delivered onto set loads of fancy cakes and a giant bag of showbiz sherbet. Bless.

#MYLDNBK – Celebrity Endorsements (Ep. 2) – The Trump

If you can’t see this vid please click on this link: https://youtu.be/EtK7GSVG5xc

Please note: These are 100% real testimonials. The celebs featured have not received any payment whatsoever. Their views are their own. They just really really want you to buy a book because they really really like you and want you to be happy.

What can I say about the Trumpster that hasn’t already been said? Trump off camera was very different to Trump on camera. When he knows he is being filmed he puts on this veneer of being a total dick but when he is just being himself, you can see he is an utter twat.

#MYLDNBK – Celebrity Endorsements (Ep. 1)

if you can’t see this vid click on this link: https://youtu.be/N7cnMjyOBhY

People told me that if I really wanted to flog my book I needed to get celebs on board. Famous folk who have market value and a strong reach. And so I got in touch with some ‘A’ listers and was delighted that quite a few of ’em agreed to do it. What a stroke of luck. Guess I just got ’em at the right time.

Please note: These are 100% real testimonials. The celebs featured have not received any payment whatsoever. The influencers have not been influenced so to speak. Their views are their own. They have agreed to appear in this promotional films cos, well, they just love it so much. They feel so strongly about the product they just wanted to provide the public service of telling you about it. Why look for something to like when you can just have a celeb like it for you and then tell you to get it?

They also don’t want you to worry about what to get your nearest and dearest for xmas and hoped these short presentations would show you the perfect gift to get and alleviate your festive fretting. To buy what the book all the most important people in the world are behind you can just click on the link in my profile to order online or from the shops below if you are in London.

This first one is from the Queen of England herself. Lovely woman. Very down to earth. Not up her arse at all. I called her ‘One take Lizzy cos she just nailed it straight away. What a pro.

#MYLDN (1384)

Statements from the streets this week as part of my ongoing series “R U Talkin to Me”. These ‘messages’ appear to me as we career towards this election in the U.K. Buzzwords abound as sound bites take precedence over facts and personalities are judged more than policies. And trust is at an all time low as we now live in this post truth age where everything can be bent to suit whoever chooses to do the bending.

And yet I feel its important to remember, as the sign above indicates, politicians have never told the truth. They say what they think will get them votes and they rarely fulfil their election promises so why should we ever listen to them? In the normal day to day you can pretty much discount anything a politician says but in the run up to an election? Forgeddaboudit..

And so with algorithm bubbles fuelling your feed and fakery lurking at every corner, who can you believe? The answer is yourself. Do your research, disseminate your information, question your sources, go beyond the mainstream media, investigate, and don’t just accept everything wholesale. Every pusher of news has an agenda. Every single media outlet is subjective to a degree so you must factor this in when absorbing the ‘facts’. The answers are all there, you just have to look. And think. And when you are in your next heated political argument passionately pushing your opinion with anger fuelled adamance, ask yourself this question…where did I get my information from?

This all might sound very cynical but you cannot afford to be just take things at face vaiue and it’s very hard not to look at our political system and feel its kinda broken. It’s not that there aren’t any politicians or parties worth voting for but the whole opposition 2 party politics feels very outdated and after recent experience, just doesn’t feel like a forward thinking solution. It feels like a dead end.

However, I think the vote is the most important thing we have and we have to use it and we have to use it. And use it wisely, even if its tactical. It might feel you are supporting something you are essentially against and perpetuating the people in power who are a problem but the vote is the only power we have.

There is a lot of use of the phrase ‘the lesser of evils’ these days and I subscribe to it. This system might be geriatric and in need of a major overhaul but there are definitely worse versions of it depending on who is at the helm.

In this day and age its more crucial to know what you are against than what you are for. And vote with your head, not your heart. Vote with information not instinct. Vote with facts not fear. But whatever you do, just vote. It ain’t much but it’s all we got.

If that is all a total brain drain please accept this soothing mattress message…with a sweetie on a stick thrown in for good measure…

#MYLDN (1383)

#MYLDN (1382)

#MYLDN (1381)

#MYLDN (1380)

#MYLDN (1379)

All shots this week taken on Berwick Street in Soho. There is very little of old Soho left and yet still the last remnants are still being dismantled, removed and built over. The only smidgen of a glimpse of its former sleazy and seductive past are boardings (see shot below) which cover building work designed to eradicate it, oh the twisted irony.

I am done mourning the past version of this city. My grief has reached a level of acceptance which means I can exist in this new version and no longer lament the past. This is not because I am happy with the transformation. I find new Soho boring by comparison to its previous counterpart but because to stay locked to a former incarnation of the world around us is not healthy.

We must live in the now. We must be fluid with change and not be constantly looking backwards, hoping a world we grew up in and are familiar with will return. It won’t.

If you keep your gaze on what has gone you will fail to see what is front of you. Recently I caught myself saying ‘in my day’ when referring to the past but I realised that I am here right now, today is ‘my day’ as is every day I live on this planet. To identify with a previous period rather than the one you are in means you become a fixed moment in time. A full stop.

Maybe we feel the era we were raised in shaped us and defines us but we are as much a part of now as we were a part of then, if we want to be. If we engage. If we stop ourselves from being rooted in an ex-existence. We did those years, we lived them, they happened, do we need to keep living them? Why continue to dwell on previous experiences when you can continuously have new ones? If your focus is on another time, you will most definitely not be entirely present in this one…

#MYLDN (1378)

#MYLDN (1377)

#MYLDN (1376)

#MYLDN (1375)


The question everyone keeps asking me is if Joker was inspired by the cover of my book? I would have to say no, it wasn’t inspired by, they totally stole it! I can’t actually say too much as am now in the process of litigation but when my lawyers got in touch with the film production team they stated that the movie had been green lit 3 years ago so it was impossible it could have been “influenced” by my international bestselling book (sales figures tbc) which they “claim” they had never even heard of. Yeah right! So a book cover with evil clowns comes out and two weeks later a film about a guy who is an evil clown comes out and that’s just a coincidence? I mean, come on. do they think I’m stoopid?

And they further added that the character of the Joker has been around since the 40s so how could it have been influenced by it? And? So? Some of the people in my book have been around since the 40s, what the fuck are they talking about?

What hurts is that I have been a massive fan of The Joker all my life. My name Romero is actually taken from the actor Cesar Romero who played The Joker in the 60s Batman series. And obvs I love a good joke as much as the next deranged clown but this ain’t funny. DC have issued me a ‘cease and desist’ letter, banned me from loitering around their offices and have enforced a restraining order so that I can’t come within 500 metres of Joaquin Phoenix. A bit heavy handed wouldn’t you say? I mean, yes I was hiding in his garden for a while but is that a crime? How did I know that he would object to me erecting a small circus tent full of chihuahuas dressed as miniature clowns who I taught how to howl the Batman theme tune? I was just trying to make him aware of the situation. I mean, don’t you think they’re being a little over sensitive? Why so serious? hehe..

Anyway, the battle goes on. If you want to support the plucky little guy against the big evil corporation buy a book via link below and proceeds will go towards my legal battle.


We can’t let them get away with it. Otherwise where will it end? Next they’ll be saying that “IT” wasn’t anything to do with me either…I mean, come on!

#MYLDN (1374)

Slices of U.K living this week but I’m going to let the pictures do the talking. Hopefully they spoke to you..

#MYLDN (1373)

#MYLDN (1372)