#MYLDN (1334)

#MYLDN (1333) – Babycakes Romero. Sell out!

I look mean and moody (pic courtesy of Alex Schneideman) but was actually so fricking happy after such a magnificent night at me book launch. Could not have asked for more. Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who came down and made it such an epic turnout and to all those lovely folk who bought a book…I sold every single copy I had so you made me a sell out! Cheers for that! Was so great to see you all there and be able to share that  experience with you. 

Being a photographer is quite an isolating experience, you are mostly always working on your own, or I am at any rate, so it was great to be in a room packed full of people enjoying the work and be able to interact with you in person. So thank you for transforming this lone wolf into a wolf pack!

p.s I took a total of zero pictures so if anyone has any shots from night please send over x

#MYLDN (1332) – Roll up! Roll up!

Vid link here if you can’t see above: https://youtu.be/mWB-48y9sPQ

This was shot just a few metres away from The Ridley Road Market Bar where me launch party is tonight…if you can make it, look forward to seeing you there! Kick off is 6.30pm. Present Day

#MYLDN (1331)

..but for only £15.95 (RRP) you can buy ‘MYLDN – a streetview of London Life’.

See what I did there? An almost imperceptible link from salacious picture to sales pitch, well imperceptible until I flagged it up, obvs.

This photograph was formerly known as #MYLDN (566) and was posted back in 2015 and is one of the shots in the book which I may have mentioned is on sale now in all good bookshops and online..and there I go again…subtle selling masterclass 101.

Launch Party is tomorrow night: https://www.facebook.com/events/1308322402657986/

…in conjunction with that intrepid duo Double Agent 7 who will be doing their Mission45 night right after..so stick around for a boogaloo…

p.s bit late today soz, trying to get back into the swing after my summer hiatus..

MYLDN – a streetview of London Life.

“MYLDN – a streetview of London life” is now out. It is published by Carpet Bombing Culture and available in all good bookshops (always wanted to say that) and online. You can buy via link below:

BUY BOOK HERE: https://babycakesromero.com/buy-myldn-a-streetview-of-london-life/

#MYLDN (1330) – #MYLDNBK has arrived!

Best Monday delivery ever…

From the People that brought you…

If you can’t see the vid above please click on this link. Please share if it made you laugh/cry/wet your pants/scream in pain/break out in hives…etc etc


And here is link to event page for the launch of this book which is next Thursday Sept 12th at The Ridley Road Market Bar.


If you are in London and able to make it would be great to see you there. Drinks, projections, music and speeches will all be available to consume on the night..oh, and you might even be able to pick up a signed copy of the book, at a reduced rate (taking a few squid off for scrawling all over it ;)

If you can’t make it and desperately want a copy but can’t wait till Tuesday when it comes out you can pre-order a copy here:


I apologise in advance for some heavy plugging over the coming weeks but I once read a great quote which said: “Without promotion something terrible happens..nothing”

#MYLDN (1329) – Carnival ’19 – 99.9% Joy

99.9% of all attendees at the Carnival are just there to have as good a time as is humanely possible and being present at such an uplifting unifying experience means it is not that hard at all. It is beyond joyful to be a part of and to see people from all over London, all cultures, all backgrounds, all areas coming together to spend two days dancing on the streets as one.

And yet the media still continue to focus on the arrests. Around 300 odd this year which equates to 0.06% of the amount of people there, roughly a million odd. It is virtually nothing, same arrests as Glastonbury and they only have 200,000 people in attendance.

All the shots above were taken at the Disya Jeneration sound system which for 99.9% of the weekend was the most chilled beautiful peaceful atmosphere and nothing but positive vibes. It kicked off at one point on the Monday, apparently started by a girl scrap and it quickly turned sour as more and more people got involved and the street rapidly descended into aggro. What was joyous turned sour in a second. The police moved in to break it up but exacerbated it to a degree as hostility turned towards them. The sound system responded by shutting down the street completely which ended it and they told everyone to come back in an hour which they did and everything carried on as before.

Crime and violence is an element of society that cannot be completely eradicated. It exists and always will. You can reduce the societal forces that propel people into anti-social behaviour but most attempts to deal with crime is focussed on the symptoms rather than the causes so it can only be effective to a degree. But it is not the story of Carnival, it is just a miniscule part of it. And it isn’t the story of our society, it is just a very small part of it. But the incident showed how quickly things can go bad and how just one person can alter the entire vibe on a street full of thousands of people having nothing but a good time.

The majority of people, no matter where they are from, have no interest in anything but getting on with their lives and trying to have a harmonious existence. The news will make you believe different but that is just their focus. That is not to say there isn’t a rising crime element in the U.K which desperately needs dealing with but not in the way they are doing. 50% of youth clubs have been closed in London in the last 5 years due to council cuts and knife crime has increased double since then. These two stats are completely intertwined and we need to provide safe and available places for young people to go so they are not lured into a negative whirlpool they cannot escape from.

I will leave you with this photo to show the Carnival masses in action, dancing in the street, having the time of their lives. This is the main story of Carnival and always will be.

#MYLDN (1328) – Carnival ’19 – Balloons & Selfies

At Carnival this year, wherever you looked there was someone doing a balloon. Usage is definitely up on previous years. For the uninitiated balloons are filled with nitrous oxide and when repeatedly inhaled create an intoxicating feeling that last a matter of minutes. As highs go, its pretty lame and yet, it is being done seemingly relentlessly.

One of the main reasons for its growing consumption is that it is legal. No other reason. And for the record, it is not safer than illegal drugs, its actually more dangerous than even a lot of Class A drugs as it pushes all the air out of your lungs (which you def need for breathing) and can, albeit rare, kill you. But I think it just shows that this human ‘need’ to get ‘out of it’, to alter your mind state, to reach levels of intoxication where normal thoughts no longer reside & are subsequently replaced with a stimulating sensory experience should not, and should never have been, a criminal issue. It is a public health issue and rather than try to prevent it with illegality, which does not work in any significant way whatsoever, we must accept that is part of the human condition for a lot of people and try to manage it instead of demonising it.

We live in fucked up times and modern pressures are extreme & getting wasted might just be the only way people can cope with it. It obviously brings its own problems and is not a solution in itself but we must start treating it as the side effect of a greater issue. In the book ‘The Inner Level’ by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (their follow up to ‘The Spirit Level’) they show that drug use is much worse the more unequal the society and is a way to cope with feelings of inferiority and fierce status competition.

I have included shots of people doing selfies as the dopamine hit you get from people liking your photos on Instagram is as addictive as any recreational drug and also creates both a ‘high’ & a sense of euphoria when you receive the digital love and also the comedown when the feeling drops off. And just like balloons, the high is very fleeting and you must then chase the next fix to feel good again.

In 2015, there was a explosion (not literally) of balloons and selfies when suddenly you couldn’t turn for seeing either. I would actually say this year, from what I saw, that selfie taking is down overall (which can only be a good thing and I would love to think we had reached peak selfie) but balloons are definitely up. The shot below, which you may remember, features a ‘ballofie’ from that year (which I coined back then but weirdly has taken off) and yes, is a combo of the two activities, designed for the ultimate double hit.

I have also included it here as the shot and an accompanying story features in my, very soon, about to be released photography book: MYLDN – a streetview of London Life’ which is out next tuesday! Now, how’s that for a smooth link to a blatant plug? (and the first of many for the next few weeks as I do my best to promote the mofo, so soz ‘n’ all that..)

#MYLDN (1327) – Carnival ’19 – Sound Systems

The first (and only time) I went to Carnival I wasn’t local and went with a crew and we followed the floats down Ladbroke Grove and had an amazing time and there was one guy in our group who kept trying to get us to hurry up so we could get to this sound system he wanted to go to. I didn’t really get it at the time and we fannied about having fun and eventually got to what I know now to be the Sancho Panza sound system on Middle Row at around 6.30pm and it was going off in a way I had just never seen before. People were dancing on the roofs of vans and on the walls and going mental on the street and it sounded pheneomenal and it was, in the space of about two minutes ,the best party I had ever been to.

Sadly it ended about half hour after we got there, but from that moment on I was smitten and from that year on I only went to the sound systems and never really bothered with the floats again. Not that they aren’t amazing as well but for me, to be dancing on the street in the middle of the day to killer tunes on killer systems with a jumpin crowd, there is no better.

Over the years I have danced at most of the sound systems at some point or another and have altered my hot spots according to my changing taste in tunes. When I was a house head I went to KCC, for vintage carnival tunes I go to Gaz’s Rockin Blues, or for some serious dub action there is the superb sound at Channel 1 and if you want to see a whole street go off to the latest urban beats there is Disya Jeneration where I usually spend most of my time these days…

My favourite used to be Norman Jay’s Good Times but it is sadly no longer there. I once did two 5 hour stints over 2 consecutive days with no breaks and on the 2nd day my ears blew and I have had tinnitus ever since but I have to say, it was kinda worth it. I couldn’t quite bring myself to sue Norman as he is such a lovely man…but how about you bring back the double decker bus and we won’t have to get the lawyers involved, eh?

#MYLDN (1326) – Carnival ’19 Pt 1: Warming Up

There is always at atmosphere of nervous excitement and anticipation as people start to arrive at Carnival. You can see the locals bracing themselves for the mass of revellers that are descending on their neighbourhood. You see groups of mates getting into the spirit, spurring each other on. You see lone wolfs eager to join the pack. You see people with their guard up, not realising they have to let it down to properly engage with the event. Carnival is like life, what you put in you get back, what you project you find, when you let yourself go, you are rewarded…

It’s good to be back…

#MYLDN – The Book!

I am delighted to announce that MYLDN the book is being published by Carpet Bombing Culture in September – it is a (best of) collection of shots and stories from the first 5yrs or so of my blog posts since I started it in 2012, around this time of year to be precise.

I couldn’t be happier and to mark the occasion I am throwing a book launch on Thursday September 12th at the Ridley Rd Market Bar and would love you to join me if you are around. All welcome! (please see invite below)

And here is FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1308322402657986/

If you’re able to mark down if you are coming on event page that would be great, just to get an idea of numbers. It will be on from 6.30pm till 9pm and then if you want to stick around for a boogie, Double Agent 7 (amazing djs apparently ;) will be hosting their Mission45 night right after…

I will be taking my usual month of August off from posting so I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in Sept!

#MYLDN (1325)

#MYLDN (1324)

#MYLDN (1323)

All shots this week were taken at the Portobello Summer festival. Its a great community event and after its launch last year, has grown loads already and is fast becoming an unofficial mini carnival warm-up for locals before the hoards descend next month…

#MYLDN (1322)

#MYLDN (1321)

MYLDN (1320)

#MYLDN (1319)

#MYLDN (1318)

After leaving “an important part of my brain somewhere, somewhere in a field in Somerset” (sorted for pulp paraphrase) I have returned to the streets of West London…

What unites all these wonderful characters and cultures this week? Nothing other than geography. We live together in the same space. That is it. The sense of community in this neighbourhood is strong and it doesn’t matter where you are from or how long you have been here. If you live here, you are in. You belong. End of.

London has the structure and population of an ant colony but we do not work as a collective. We work as individuals who’s focus is on ourselves rather than the greater good. Ants understand that if they all join forces and share the load they can achieve all that is necessary for a harmonious and productive society . We do not understand this because if we did, we would do it. So we are basically dumber than ants.

At best we work within mini groups, be they neighbourhood communities, religions, football teams or families. These are tribes that exist within the colony but who do not co-operate together. To survive we will need to understand we are one big tribe. Only that will give us the force to fix what is broken and to survive…together we are strong, divided we are pretty useless.