#MYLDN (973)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (972)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (971)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (970)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

The future: a solar flare wipes takes out all tech on earth. The internet is evaporated, as are our computers, everything is wiped clean. Every digital photograph that has ever been taken goes up in a puff of smoke. All those moments in our lives that we desperately tried to document so that we would not forget them but in doing so, maybe forgot to live them, are now gone. This might not happen in our lifetime but even if it didn’t, what will happen to all these computer files we have assigned to house our most precious memories? Where will they all go when we are gone? Will they be preserved? Will they survive? It seems unlikely. Hard drives will undoubtedly fail and become incompatible in the future. Devices will break, cease to function, become lost. But they can’t take away our social media. All the pictures we have posted? Surely they will be there forever? Even so, the great existential question of the 21st Century must surely be…will anyone look at my feed when I am gone?

The problem is that digital files do not feel real. They are a fiction of 0s and 1s. These coded approximations  house our memories, our music, our movies and are therefore the protectors of our existence. Their job is to preserve but they themselves lack the skill of self-preservation. They are not trustworthy guardians. I have amassed a mountain of digital photographs over the last decade (recently clocking 100,000) but their permanence feels very fragile and nebulous.  Its not just the thought of losing them but the fact that they aren’t really there in the first place.

I have recently made my first photography book (stay tuned for more info) and as soon as I held it in my hand it felt more real than all my digi photos put together. I now plan to make as many books as I can to bring these digital facsimiles into the real world. The resurgence of people using traditional film cameras, the vinyl renaissance and the increase in sales of books over kindle downloads show that format is far from dead, it is in fact making a big comeback. People need to literally hold things in their hands to feel a connection that digital access clearly can’t provide. Art needs that tangibility. The question is, will we eventually tire of screen based activity completely and return to a more physical experience? Is analogue the way forward rather than just being a nostalgic  look back?

The current focus on all things digital could end up being just be a fleeting moment in time for the human race and either side of it will be big massive giant chunks of reality.  It seems very unlikely that we will give it up but it might very well be taken from us. And then we will have to remember how we functioned before we hid behind a screen. Cue scream. Cut to stampede of crazy mob running through the street with their hands in the air…



#MYLDN (969)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (968)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (967)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (966)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (965)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Some random comedy moments for you this week…

#MYLDN (964)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (963)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

has to rate as weirdest promo ad in a dentist window ever..


#MYLDN (962)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (961)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (960)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

There has always been a big question mark in my head as to whether protest marches ever actually work on any significant level. This is mainly because all the ones I have been involved in have not succeeded in their goal.

I marched against student loans – failed

I marched against the Iraq War – failed

I marched against Climate change – failed

I marched against Brexit – failed

So what’s the point? As they say doing something over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. But the alternative is nothing and action is always better than apathy. Nothing ever happened from doing nothing. When you march through streets joined by thousands of others who feel the same way you are united as a body of people, you feel like a unit, there is a sense of togetherness and the positive energy that generates is maybe reason enough because in some ways, that feeling of oneness is all we need to go forward. It creates a unified collective which focuses on the power of the many rather than our own individual sense of powerlessness. Even if this is essentially a delusion, this feeling of empowerment is ultimately enough to warrant the action.

So why are we protesting? Because we know austerity is bullshit and we know that the reason that there is austerity in the first place is because we bailed out the banks. They took our money and now we’re up to our eyeballs in debt. Their debt that they saddled us with and then rode off into the sunset only to start all over again. We cannot forget this. We mustn’t forget this.

This is not our debt. It is theirs but we paid for it. It was not the public sector workers debt. It wasn’t the disabled.  It wasn’t those on benefits. It wasn’t those who lived in council flats. But they are the ones who they have taken the money from. Was there money for the DUP? Yes. Was there money for Brexit negotiations? Yes. Hinkley? H2? Trident? Somehow there is money for all these gargantuan insanely expensive projects that no-one wants but apparently no money for sections of the population that actually need it.

We are also protesting because we know the current establishment is not working for us. They are working for themselves. It is blatantly obvious to see. Referendum? For them, not us. Snap election? For them. One billion pounds of our money to buy 10 seats? Them again. They are our elected body. Technically they work for us but in reality their actions are largely driven by a desire and need to cling onto power. Is that really who we want to govern us? A government that has no concern  for our concerns or any concerns other than their own.

The march on Saturday through London was called NotOneDayMore but the sad truth is we have five more years of MayBot bollocks and even though you can feel a change in the wind, a step in the right direction, a shifting of public opinion, a desire for something less cunty, more caring, there is still a shitload of time before any of that can kick into gear. In the meantime, we must fight for what is right, what is decent, what is morally correct, regardless of party politics. It doesn’t matter if you are blue or red, whether you hate Corbyn or not, this is about doing the right thing. It really just boils down to whether you want to be on the side that gives a shit about people or the side that doesn’t. Is that too simplistic a view of life? Am I being naive? All I know is that there is a good person and a git in everyone of us and I know which one I would rather be.

I will try and give politics a rest for a while now, well, at least until the next major shit hits the fan but in the meantime I will put it on the back burner, on this blog at least. In person? That I can’t guarantee…

p.s I accidentally posted two pics yesterday so you got a extra one thrown in for free this week. That’s the kind of caring sharing guy I am…







#MYLDN (959)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

erm, not 100% sure bout that, labour didn’t technically win even though it might have felt like a victory. So it might be a teensy bit early for self-congratulatory jubilations from the youthquake. Just sayin..

#MYLDN (958)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

see evil, hear evil, speak ill of evil

#MYLDN (957)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (956)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


(please note: if you are a subscriber and still cannot see picture in your email please click on post heading to go through to my site or follow me on instagram (@babycakesromero) where you can find exact same feed only with square photos. Not as in ‘less cool’, as in literally)

#MYLDN (955)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

The lizard people have been amongst us for many eons but never before has their disguise malfunctioned so massively as to permanently reveal their true selves to human society…


#MYSNR17 (05)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my barcelona, my sonar festival

to see the full Sonar Gallery please click here

Sonar is a gi-normous beast of an electronic music festival that takes place predominantly in an insanely large aircraft hangar on the outskirts of Barcelona. It has grown and grown since I was first there in 2006 and it was pretty massive then. It has built on its great rep and now attracts tons of thousands of dance music aficionados & partygoers from all over the world. As its name and success have grown it has inevitably attracted a more mainstream audience, especially a lot of Brit blokes and birds that might once have gone to Megaluf and Ibiza now also come here too for a bit of sunshine raving.

It has over time become a very well-oiled machine and together with its vastness and corporate tie-ins has resulted in the loss of some of its coolness. Everything is now contained within the area 51 style location and all the satellite parties around it (anti-sonar etc) have been shut down. Its still a magnificent weekend with a fantastic line-up showcasing the best dance music around and Barcelona as a festival destination is second to none. Disco nights  and beach/pool side days are a glorious combination.

I will undoubtedly be there again, even if its just to see our friend Mary who will seemingly only be met on this weekend at this festival which she has been attending to for a whopping 13 years in a row….as darth would say, impressive, most impressive.